28th December 2023: A Week in Parliament

Happy New Year 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day celebrations and spent some much-needed time with their loved ones. It is important that we take time to reflect around this time of year and be thankful for what we have. It is with this in mind that I also wish you all a happy new year and hope that 2024 brings you prosperity and happiness. I look forward to returning to Parliament and continuing to represent my constituents to the best of my ability. I also look forward to continuing my work in the Scottish Affairs Committee by holding the Scotland Office to account for their actions. I will continue to be active in the constituency with business visits as well as carrying on my street surgery engagement. Here’s to the New Year!


One thing I am sure we all hope for in the New Year is peace in the Middle East as the war between Israel and Hamas continues. It has dominated our current affairs, and I am proud of the steps I, and the SNP, have taken to try and deliver peace and end the killing of innocent civilians on both sides of the conflict. In recent days we have seen the horrifying news of the IDF mistakenly killing hostages they were supposed to protect. My SNP colleagues and I will continue to press the UK Government in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

A few weeks ago, I was pleased to hand over 10 carbon monoxide alarms to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. As part of Gas Safety Week, a few months ago, Centrica kindly offered up the alarms for me to distribute in the constituency. Thankfully, SFRS agreed to take them and pass them on to a local organisation and talk them through safety measures and installations. A massive thanks to Watch Commander Craig Donnelly for popping into the office to collect them.

On a separate note, I would like to praise the work of the fire brigade, especially at this time of year, as well as the rest of our emergency services who work so hard all year round.

Kilmarnock FC

At the time of writing, Thursday 28th December 2023, Killie are off the back of a fine 1-0 win in Paisley. The win and the four clean sheets in a row from our last four away days surely puts this away hoodoo to bed. The fact we have accumulated the same number of points as we did pre-split last year shows remarkable progress. Well done to Derek and the players – they deserve all the plaudits they are getting at the moment.

Christmas Message 2023

As we approach the festive season, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year we've had together. It's been a year of both ups and downs, and many of us have faced the challenges that life has thrown our way. I commend the resilience and strength that our community has shown throughout these times.

I am aware that a lot of people in our constituency have been feeling the brunt of the cost of living, and for some, the holiday season can be an additional burden. This time of year, it is crucial for us to come together as a community and extend a helping hand to those who may be struggling.

In the spirit of giving, I want to emphasise the importance of supporting local charities and food banks, especially during this festive season. If you find yourself in a position to do so, please consider donating to your local food bank. I am pleased to inform you that there are now regular collections at Rugby Park, making it even more convenient for you to contribute.

Let us remember that there are individuals who once generously gave but now find themselves in need. I encourage everyone to make an extra effort, if possible, as every small contribution can make a significant difference in someone's life.

As we gather with our loved ones to celebrate Christmas and usher in the New Year, I wish each and every one of you a joyous and prosperous festive season. For those fortunate enough to have time off over the holidays, I hope you enjoy plenty of days out and quality time spent with family and friends.

In the midst of our celebrations, let us also keep in mind those who are working tirelessly throughout this period, just as they do all year round. Our emergency services, as well as those in the retail and hospitality sectors, deserve our gratitude for their dedication and sacrifice. May we remember and appreciate their efforts as we celebrate the joy of the season.

Before I conclude, I would like to extend congratulations to Murphy Laird of St Sophia's Primary in Galston for winning this year’s Christmas Card Competition. Murphy secured the top spot with the hilarious and delightful card titled 'Chilling With My Snowmies.' The clever caption not only brought a smile to my face but also captured the festive spirit.

I must also commend all the pupils from St Sophia's, Galston, and Gargieston primaries who participated in the competition. The quality and creativity displayed in each entry were truly impressive, making the decision to select just one winner a challenging but rewarding endeavour.

Thank you for sharing your talents and spreading the joy of the season. May your creativity continue to shine bright in the coming year.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

18th December 2023: A Week in Parliament

Michelle Mone

In no real shock, Michelle Mone has admitted she is a liar. But in her mind, a justified lie to the media. So, she advocated on behalf of a company directly to Government Ministers to win a contract for MedPro PPE, run by her husband and she gets a share of the profits. She also threatened to sue people who said she was connected to the company, but she ignores that detail while saying she was only protecting her family, who are all adults. The reality is, they saw chance to make money out of the covid pandemic, set up a new company and then lobbied for direct contracts. Out of a £207m contract, the Barrowmans made £67m profit and supplied £122m of unsuitable PPE. So, the taxpayer got £18m of overpriced equipment out of £207m and the Barrowmans feel hard done by with their £67m profit? What kind of warped entitled world do they live in?

It should also be remembered that Mone was handpicked by David Cameron to be placed in the House of Lords as a reward for campaigning for Better Together in 2014. This is not democracy in action, that is for sure.

Scottish Budget

We are facing real pressures on the budget allocated to the Scottish Government. A very generous one says the Tories and Labour have not spoken out against it either. However, the reality, as I exposed at the Scottish Affairs Committee is that the budget is being cut yet again in real terms ie when compared to the cost of inflation. The budget has increased by just 1.4% next year against current inflation levels of around 5% but obviously much higher. Indeed, analysis provided to the committee shows that the budget has been cut by 17% in real terms compared to 2010 when the Tories took over. So, when the Tories and Labour demand greater spending from the Scottish Government or complain about squeezed budgets elsewhere the reality is that the budget has been slashed by nearly a fifth since 2010.

Labour to Save the NHS?

At a UK wide level, Labour are supposed to be the alternative to the Tories. Supposed to save services. Yet, we have had Labour’s Health Spokesperson saying he would “hold the door open to private companies” to work in the NHS. He has now warned against “complacent spending” within the NHS and argued that spending money on the NHS means less money can be spent on tackling child poverty as if it is a binary choice. Can Labour really be trusted?

Rwanda Bill

The Tories eventually got the Rwanda Bill through parliament. It is awful legislation and if they think that will deter the criminal gangs they claim exploits people then they are kidding themselves on. Illegal migration across the channel is a concern for people’s safety and it is indicative of wider problems. However, to pretend that these thousands of people are somehow the cause of the ills in the UK is beyond parody and it is clearly a deflection tactic. And on that cheery note, here is hoping for a Merry Christmas for all and a peaceful 2024.

11th December 2023: A Week in Parliament

Gender Recognition

The Scottish Parliament passed the Gender Recognition Reform Bill with a large majority, including members of all parties. Devolution is fundamentally flawed if the UK Government can override the democratic wishes of our Parliament and veto Scottish laws at the stroke of a pen. The Scottish Government is now considering the terms of the Court of Session decision.

Westminster’s Immigration Policy

Both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are ignoring reality and the country’s needs with promises to cut net migration. Scotland is already suffering as a result of Westminster’s Brexit and migration policies and these new Tory and Labour proposals will inevitably undermine our public services. The SNP Scottish Government will always say that they are proud of the benefits that migrants bring to this country and that they have chosen Scotland to be their home. If Westminster won’t take the necessary steps to ensure Scotland’s public services are protected, then it must deliver the necessary powers to Holyrood so that we can.

Child Poverty

Consecutive Westminster governments, which Scotland didn't vote for, have repeatedly prioritised austerity and support for the rich over efforts to tackle rising rates of child poverty and support families. Keir Starmer has confirmed a Labour government would continue down the same path, signing up to Tory tax and spending plans and austerity, including keeping the poverty-inducing two-child cap. The Scottish Government is doing what it can to tackle child poverty, such as freezing council tax and introducing the Scottish Child Payment, which has lifted 90,000 children out of poverty. But the reality is that whilst 85% of welfare spending and key powers remain reserved to Westminster, Scotland's actions will continue to be undermined.


Darvel Street Surgery

Enjoyed being out in Darvel on Friday (8th December) chapping doors with my staff as part of my Street Surgery engagement. The conditions were wet and windy but we were able to brave them and speak to constituents on their doorsteps about important national and local issues. Looking forward to being in Newmilns next week for more of the same!

Kilmarnock FC

What an early Christmas present that was for us Killie fans – not only nagging our first away win of the season but a memorable comeback against Celtic. The performance on Sunday was fantastic and have never seen a Killie side so dominant against them in life – we got our just rewards and it was no less than we deserved. That is now three wins against the Old Firm this season, massive credit has to go to Derek McInnes for pulling this off. Let’s hope we can go on a run now and continue to climb up the table with some favourable fixtures coming up over the next two weeks. I hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday as much as I did!

4th December 2023: A Week in Parliament


Starmer’s recent praise for Margaret Thatcher tells you everything you need to know about the Leader of the Labour Party. Commending the former Prime Minister for her "entrepreneurialism" in dismantling mining and industrial communities is disgraceful. The repercussions of those actions, executed by the Tory Government, continue to linger, particularly affecting communities within my constituency. These communities have still never recovered from the actions of that Tory Government, some of which are in my constituency. We all know what voters they are trying to target and win over here. This is yet another example of the Labour Party abandoning its roots and offering no alternative to the Conservatives. Vote Labour, get Tory-lite.


Foodbank Collection

Last Friday, I visited the Tesco food bank collection on West Shaw Street, held in collaboration with East Ayrshire CVO. Witnessing the remarkable generosity of shoppers was truly heartening. Throughout last week, Paul and Kian from the CVO were dedicatedly stationed at the front entrance, raising awareness for this crucial cause. While at the collection, I had the opportunity to discuss some of the challenges faced by Paul, Kian, and their team. Despite these difficulties, they expressed gratitude for the overwhelming generosity of many individuals. It is disheartening to witness the escalating demand for food banks, reaching record highs. The stark reality that those who were once donors are now recipients is truly heart-wrenching. Especially during this festive season, it is a poignant reminder that, as a community, we must support one another not just during Christmas but all year round. I appreciate the financial struggles many are facing currently due to the cost-of-living crisis, however, if you find yourself in a position to contribute, please consider donating to the food bank. All major supermarkets provide convenient drop-off points, and your support can make a meaningful difference during these challenging times.


Items that would gratefully be received are powdered milk; diluting juice; tinned meats; tinned vegetables; tinned tuna; toilet roll; tinned beans; tinned deserts; soup; biscuits; pasta sauce; toiletries; cereal; noodles and microwaved rice.


Darvel Street Surgery

Looking forward to being in Darvel this coming Friday as part of my Street Surgery engagement. My staff and I will be chapping doors in; Glen Crescent, Hutchinson Drive and Paterson Terrace between 1.00 and 4.00 pm.  It is vital to get out and about and talk to constituents on their doorsteps about matters that are important to them. However, if you will not be in or do not reside in the areas listed above but have an issue you would like to discuss please contact me: alan.brown.mp@parliament.uk / 01563 501412 or drop into my office at 31A Titchfield Street in Kilmarnock (KA1 1QW).

27th November 2023: A Week in Parliament

Autumn Budget

The Chancellor last week announced the Government’s Autumn Budget. Time after time, their actions have failed to live up to the challenges we are facing as a nation, while not doing anywhere near enough to help those on the lowest incomes. Neither Rishi Sunak nor Keir Starmer will change course from the damaging Westminster policies that got the UK into this mess. We have seen nations like the Republic of Ireland offer some real cost-of-living support yet the UK Government is doing nothing to protect people this winter. Just last week I attended Barony Campus in Cumnock to see how East Ayrshire Council’s food provision and procedures work. Since August 2023 the Council has been supporting a half-price school meal option for all paying pupils within Primary 6 and 7 and all academy pupils. This means all paying children receive a healthy meal at lunchtime for £1.08. The commitment to ensuring no child goes home hungry is not only laudable but also imperative in this current, Tory-made cost-of-living crisis – the local authority is doing more to help families than this Zombie Government at Westminster.

Tax Cut

Hardworking people will find a bit of relief with the 2% cut to National Insurance. However, many more people will soon be paying more income tax so what is given is quickly taken away. And there is a £19bn of public sector cuts to follow to offset the NI cut. Also, the Scottish Budget has already been cut in real terms and the capital budget slashed. It is an awful package.

Israel and Palestine

I continue to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas. While any pause in violence is a welcome relief, it must go further. The number of hostages released from both sides is a big step in the right direction and hopefully, this continues until all innocent civilians are reunited with their families. We cannot see a repeat of the carnage that has killed so many innocent people resume after four days. Every ounce of diplomatic effort is needed to ensure this pause becomes a permanent end to the violence. The First Minister has called for the UK to officially recognise the State of Palestine to break the political impasse that has condemned Israelis and Palestinians to successive cycles of violence.

Small Business Saturday

This weekend, on December 2nd, we embrace Small Business Saturday. It's an annual tradition for me to explore local businesses, understanding their operations as part of this celebration, and this year is no exception. In support of this initiative, my office has arranged visits to some businesses situated on Hurlford Road. While I advocate for supporting local businesses year-round, the approaching festive season presents an excellent opportunity to actively back our small enterprises. With Christmas just around the corner, what better time to engage in the spirit of community and choose local businesses for your festive shopping?

If you'd like me to visit your business or organisation in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office. Let's continue fostering a thriving local business community together.

20th November 2023: A Week in Parliament


Last week I was proud to stand alongside 124 other members in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The SNP amendment was put forward to the house and was unfortunately defeated 293 – 125. I have huge respect to the 56 Labour MPs who had the guts to put humanity before party politics and vote for the SNP amendment. Unfortunately, neither of Labour’s two Scottish MPs, voted on the motion. In advance of the vote, I intervened on both Rachel Reeves and David Lammy and asked them if they would be voting for a ceasefire but both frontbenchers refused to answer, albeit the writing was on the wall that they wouldn’t be voting in favour of it. History will be the judge of their (in)actions.

The way the Scottish Labour MPs voted also showed once again that “Scottish Labour” is indeed a branch office. Anas Sarwar supposedly leads Scottish Labour and has called for a ceasefire. Yet, had Ian Murray the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland voted that way, Keir Starmer would have sacked him. Proof, once again, that Labour MPs from Scotland are answerable only to their London masters.

Supreme Court

Last week we saw the decision from the Supreme Court which ruled that the Tory's abhorrent Rwanda policy was unlawful. Of course, this is welcome but it is concerning that the Tories are still looking for ways around this as Sunak has spoken about bringing in emergency legislation to go through with it anyway. Once again, their guilt surfaces in targeting the most vulnerable in our society. In stark contrast, Scotland stands firm on values of dignity and compassion. They claim this will be a deterrent to the criminal gangs who exploit vulnerable people. Given these criminal gangs have no morals, they will continue to tell lies and take money off those who have desperately fled persecution, so the Rwanda policy is just an expensive, cruel and inhumane gimmick and will make no difference to the numbers willing to risk their lives to cross the Channel.

Douglas Ross

At last week’s Scottish Affairs Committee, Lord Robertson joked when he became Defence Secretary some of his colleagues claimed it was a “demotion” and that he had to go along with it “such is the parochialism in Scotland.” Later, I challenged Robertson on his comments, pondering how many colleagues thought Scotland was parochial. Douglas Ross challenged my quote back which Hansard had proven I was correct. So why did Ross do this? A strange bullying tactic to try and put me on the back foot or to make me doubt myself? Who knows but I hope going forward he puts professionalism over petulance.

Fenwick Street Surgery

On Friday it was great to be out and about in Fenwick chapping doors with my staff as part of our constituency engagement. We knocked on around 150 doors in the village and heard from constituents on their doorsteps about important local and national issues. It was yet another positive experience and some cases picked up for my office. Looking forward to heading to Darvel in a few weeks (8th December) for my next Street Surgery.

13th November 2023: A Week in Parliament


I am proud to have my name in support of the SNP’s motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It is vitally required for humanitarian purposes and to stop the extended suffering of innocent civilians. Many constituents have got in touch and asked me to call for a ceasefire and this reflects their wishes. 500 aid lorries a day were required to support the population of Gaza. Since the start of the war that would mean 16,000 aid trucks but only 500 in total have been allowed in. This civilian suffering cannot be resolved with a short pause. As always, my thoughts go out to those who are directly affected by this horror.


The Home Secretary’s position is now completely untenable. Her words emboldened the thugs who were claiming to protect the Cenotaph. I cannot think of anything more disrespectful than those storming the barricades to surround the Cenotaph. It must have alarmed many and upset those there to pay their respect. Not content with that, the crowd dispersed to try and find ways to break up the Palestinian parade which was calling for a ceasefire. Circumstances like this prove that words have consequences.

Poppy Ride

Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, I was delighted to take part in the Poppy Ride at Parliament. In partnership with the Royal British Legion, the objective is to cycle as far as you can in five minutes and I was happy to get to a distance of 3km - same as last year, so at least no regression! It’s always great to raise awareness for this worthy cause and support the Poppy Appeal.

Remembrance Sunday

I was proud to lay a wreath at two Remembrance Sunday services across the constituency. Firstly, I attended the East Ayrshire Council service at the Dick Institute before heading to Rugby Park for the club’s official service at the memorial garden. As always, they were both very moving experiences and allowed for some much-needed time for reflection. I also laid a wreath at Newmilns War Memorial, where my Great Uncle Hugh Wilson is listed as one of the war dead. We must take this time every year to pay tribute to those who gave their lives for our freedom and as MP, I feel honoured to lay a wreath in their memory.

6th November 2023: A Week in Parliament

Energy Support

I recently received vital data from Energy UK, revealing changes in energy bills for our constituents in Kilmarnock and Loudoun compared to last winter. The data highlights significant shifts in energy costs. Households consuming less energy will experience higher bill increases this winter due to the withdrawal of government support, including the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme. This data focuses solely on electricity and gas bills, excluding other heating sources. In total, households across Kilmarnock & Loudoun will spend £423,753 more on energy this winter than the previous year. Meanwhile, the most deprived areas of the constituency will see an average increase of approximately £309 to their energy bill. This is why Westminster must bring in real cost-of-living support. We have recently just seen countries like Ireland deliver a package to address the cost of living and help families get by this winter.

I wholeheartedly support Energy UK's proposals. We should consider implementing a Targeted Energy Price Guarantee, with a focus on assisting approximately 5.8 million households receiving means-tested benefits. The cost to the Exchequer is estimated at around £2.3 billion, significantly less than the previous universal support program. Additionally, we should work towards establishing a long-term support framework for the most vulnerable members of our society, potentially in the form of a social tariff. Urgent action on energy efficiency is also imperative, including expediting the allocation of grant schemes designated for this Parliament. I will continue to put pressure on the UK Government to deliver much-needed support for families this winter.


The international community must support an immediate ceasefire in the region and allow for the creation of humanitarian corridors, as well as establishing a refugee resettlement scheme. We must all unequivocally condemn the abhorrent terrorist attacks from Hamas and call for the unconditional release of all hostages. But we must also ensure that innocent civilians, women and children are protected - and that the Palestinian people are not collectively punished for the actions of a terrorist group. Scotland is willing to be the first country in the UK to offer safety and sanctuary to the people of Gaza and treat the injured men, women and children, where we can. How Keir Starmer and the Labour Party are unable to get behind this is baffling. We have now seen 11 councillors in England, including the Leader of Burnley Council, resign from the party due to Starmer’s lack of humanity.

On a separate point, I am relieved to see that Humza’s in-laws have been able to flee Gaza and have not returned home safely to Scotland – it is virtually impossible to begin to imagine what the family has been going through in the last month or so. I just hope that others are able to do the same and are reunited with their loved ones.

Kilmaurs Street Surgery

Enjoyed being out in Kilmaurs last Friday with my staff and local councillor Stephen Canning. It's always great chatting with constituents on their doorsteps about important local and national issues that matter to them. Plenty of cases were picked up for the office as well!


30th October 2023: A Week in Parliament


It has now been over a year since Rishi Sunak has been Prime Minister of the UK and it has been nothing but a failure. With families struggling to make ends meet as a result of the Tory-led cost of living crisis, families in Scotland are worse off now, under Sunak, than they were under the disastrous Liz Truss. Families in Scotland are now facing; higher mortgage rates and rents; higher food and grocery prices; higher car and home insurance costs; and higher phone and internet costs, all on top of the withdrawal of energy bill support. Neither the Tories nor the pro-Brexit Labour Party offer solutions to the core issues of the UK's deterioration and decline. Both parties remain committed to ineffective Westminster policies that have adversely impacted the economy and caused a surge in the cost of living, from Brexit to austerity measures. Only with independence can Scotland escape Westminster's control and get rid of the Tories once and for all. This will enable us to secure the powers we need to build a wealthier and fairer future in Europe.

Scottish Affairs Committee

I was delighted to take part in my first Scottish Affairs Committee session last week. We heard evidence of Scotland’s scientific research capability from representatives of top Scottish academic and research organisations. My line of questioning was directed around the missed opportunities and funding initiatives after Scotland’s exclusion from the Horizon Scheme. After the questioning session, it became even clearer the negative impact Brexit has had on Scottish universities and their opportunities. You can view my contribution on all my social media channels (X/Facebook/Youtube/Website).

Bellfield Street Surgery

On Friday it was fantastic to get out and about chapping doors in Bellfield. My staff and I chapped over 200 doors on Lammermuir Road, Grampian Road, Ochil Place, Cairngorm Road, Cullin Place and Kinnoull Road. In terms of casework for my office, it was one of the busiest street surgeries we have had. By the time we were finishing up, we saw some of the locals out and about celebrating KillieWeen – the costumes were truly fantastic and it was great to see the community spirit. I look forward to being out and about in Kilmaurs this coming Friday (3rd November 2023), undertaking yet another Street surgery. We will be chapping doors in Braehead Terrace, Jocksthorn Terrace, Kirkland Gardens, Malcolm's Court, Towerhill Avenue, Woodhill Place, Catherine Place, Langmuir Quadrant and Shaw Road.

Laurel Chadwick

The news of former Director Laurel Chadwick's passing was deeply saddening for the entire Kilmarnock FC community. Laurel held the distinction of being Scotland's first female football director and played a vital role in the reconstruction of Rugby Park. Her remarkable contributions were rightfully commemorated with the naming of the Chadwick Stand, ensuring her legacy endures for generations to come. This legacy was prominently celebrated before Sunday's 2-0 victory against Aberdeen, with a heartwarming tribute to Laurel's life and her invaluable role in the club's history. Both sets of fans came together in a moment of respect, partaking in one-minute applause. My condolences go out to her family and friends during this difficult time.