29th May 2023: A Week in Parliament

Cost of Greed Crisis

It is becoming more and more apparent that some companies are deliberately benefiting from the inflationary pressures and using inflation as an excuse to keep prices higher. We have long suspected this with fuel companies not dropping prices in line with the drop in wholesale oil and gas prices. The CMA have now admitted they are looking into this. Supermarkets too are recording higher profits and margins. This has been happening since Covid and I personally have called for a windfall tax on the supermarkets as well as energy companies who have been benefiting during the crisis. It really annoyed me that the Tesco Chairman called for a windfall tax on the energy giants while his company was also increasing profits massively, albeit not at the same billions as the energy companies. Other governments in Europe have taken action on the cost of food essentials and yet again, it is too little, too late by this Tory Government. It is truly sad times when infant milk formula has security tabs because some people are so desperate they are resorting to stealing it. Surely we can do better than this?

Energy Bill

I am on the bill committee for the Energy Bill. Apparently, it is the biggest energy legislation brought in by a UK Government in decades. This means 4 sessions per week debating the bill, line by line, clause by clause. This is the real heavy work of an MP at Westminster and the work that no-one ever really knows about. It can be really dry and at times dull, but it is so important to hold the Government to account; make sure the legislation is fit and proper and to try to force amendments to make the legislation better.


It’s that time of the year again when many communities put on Galas and Fetes. I love these community events and always try to get round them all. Hopefully the weather will be kind to all. It certainly held up for the Mauchline Holy Fair, which is one of the biggest events with multiple venues for entertainment as well as the traditional stalls. A great start to the gala season!


So, there is more evidence that Boris Johnson was deliberately breaking covid rules, this time at his country retreat. His reaction is also typical of the man – not only a lack of remorse or care, but instead sacking the lawyers he has been using at taxpayer expense. The man is a truly narcissistic clown.

Safety Secured

It turns out Killie FC really did step up when required with two victories back-to-back against our closest relegation rivals. Three goals in back-to-back games was also impressive. It is great for the town to have our team playing at the highest level. It is great for the fans too who also stepped up when required. The support at the last three away games was fantastic, particularly during this cost of living crisis. Here’s hoping we kick on next season.