12th June 2023: A Week in Parliament

Roon The Toon

Against the advice of my office staff and family, I opted to run “Roon the Toon” again. Concerns were expressed that I had injured my knee by trying to start some training. However, having asked for people to sponsor me I thought I had to give it a go. Relief therefore and not elation was the feeling at the finishing line especially given the heat!

2000 entered and congratulations go to Kilmarnock Harriers once again for a slickly smooth operation. I have no doubt this is one of the best 10km races on the circuit. A huge “well done” as well, to the organisations such as Centrestage and the Salvation Army for music and entertainment to lift the spirits of the runners. And to the crowd who turned out to spur people on, especially the enthusiastic children. Wearing a Killie top gets you that little extra vocal encouragement as well. I have promised myself to be in better shape next time around!

I was running to raise money for the East Ayrshire Recovery Hub, which does fantastic work. What some people go through on their personal recovery journey was all the incentive I needed to finish. Thanks to those who have donated. The JustGiving account is still open if anyone else wants to donate – see my Twitter and Facebook pages for information.

Galston Gala Day

It was an honour to once again crown the Galston Gala Queen. The weather was stunning and there was a fantastic turnout. It was great to see the royal party thoroughly enjoy themselves during the parade. It certainly can create memories for life. Just mingling around the stalls and talking to various people and organisations was also enjoyable. I also believe it is my job to buy losing tickets at all the bottle stalls and pave the way for others to be more lucky – if that isn’t part of my duties I do it well!

Bye, Bye BoJo

So, Boris, the liar resigned instead of facing his fate, while blaming others as usual. When he complains about a kangaroo court, he omits that there were 4 Tory MPs on the committee of 7, so an inbuilt Tory majority. These were all Brexit backers and some if not all supportive of Johnson in the past. So forget a stitch up, he has been found to be lying to Parliament. So many Tory MPs must have buyer’s regret when for backing him previously just because they bought into the myth he “is a winner”. It was always obvious he was unfit for office given how often he has been caught lying and scheming, including in the past, agreeing to hand over a journalist’s address so he could be beaten up and taught a lesson as it were. An outrageous narcissist.

Nicola Sturgeon

Police Scotland found a way to change the narrative in Scotland by interviewing Nicola Sturgeon on Sunday. She has been released without charge and has released a statement saying she is innocent. I hope this is quickly proven to be the case and we can move on. I cannot say any more about a live investigation.