11th March 2024: A Week in Parliament


Like most, I am deeply disappointed by the Chancellor’s Spring Statement. Once again it underscores the UK Government's neglect of Scotland's needs. Despite promises of funding for our people and vital public services, the reality falls short. Firstly, the Budget's allocation for health through Barnett consequentials is less than what was provided in in-year health consequentials for 2023-24. This lack of sufficient funding directly impacts the well-being of our citizens and the efficiency of our healthcare system. Furthermore, the failure to allocate additional capital funding for infrastructure perpetuates the stagnation of our essential projects. Moreover, it is outrageous that the Tory tax breaks primarily benefit the wealthiest individuals, while the burdens of rising rents, mortgages, bills, and food prices disproportionately burden working families. This inequity highlights a systemic flaw in the government's priorities, one that consistently prioritizes the affluent over the needs of ordinary Scots. What's equally concerning is the lack of opposition from Labour regarding any measure in the budget. This bipartisan compliance underscores a fundamental truth: whether under Labour or Conservative rule, Westminster does not have Scotland's best interests at heart. It's time for genuine representation that prioritises the well-being of our people and addresses the unique challenges faced by Scotland.

Oil and Gas Sector

Once again, Westminster has shamelessly sacrificed the interests of the north-east to line the coffers of the UK Treasury. The Office for Budget Responsibility's confirmation that they anticipate pocketing an additional £20.6 billion from Scotland's natural resources by 2029 is a damning indictment of their disregard for our region's well-being. What's worse, the threat to Scottish jobs and our energy transition looms large, with even Starmer's Labour Party throwing their weight behind these detrimental policies. It's clear that the interests of Scotland are being sidelined in favour of short-term gains elsewhere. In stark contrast, the SNP remains committed to utilising Scotland's energy wealth for the benefit of our own communities. We advocate for reinvesting these resources to lower household energy bills and to drive forward green energy initiatives, rather than squandering them on nuclear power plants in distant parts of the UK. Unlike the Tories and Labour, who seem content to abandon Scottish interests, the SNP will tirelessly defend Scottish jobs, champion our values, and tirelessly negotiate the best possible outcomes for families across Scotland.

Bellfield Shops

It was a pleasure to visit the Bellfield Shop last Thursday. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Kenny at The Lounge Cafe for his outstanding dedication to supporting our community and for his unwavering commitment to assisting those with additional support needs. Additionally, I had the opportunity to stop by A Scents of Scotland in anticipation of Mother’s Day where I purchased some goods to gift to my mum. Some of my staff also visited G. Donaldson’s Traditional Family Butcher to get some top-quality local produce for the weekend’s dinners! It's fantastic to see small businesses thriving - these experiences reaffirm the importance of supporting our local businesses, which not only bolster our economy but also enrich the fabric of our community.