15th April 2024: A Week in Parliament


In light of the distressing events unfolding in Israel, it is imperative that we stand together in condemning the violence and unrest gripping the region. As we rightly hold Israel accountable for its actions, we must also address the role of other actors, such as Iran, in exacerbating the conflict. It really does feel at times we are on the precipice if a regional war in the Middle East. We must also remember that Iran has been a major supplier of drones to Russia for use in their attacks on Ukraine. Conversely, we cannot ignore the fact that Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria, a move that did not receive enough condemnation in my opinion. The scenes of devastation and loss of life are a stark reminder of the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza. The SNP has consistently called for this since the attacks on October 7th, recognising that peace in the Middle East must be our shared objective. It is time for Westminster to unite in advocating for a ceasefire as the first crucial step towards ending the cycle of violence and paving the way for genuine peace negotiations. The tragic loss of innocent civilian lives on both sides underscores the urgency of this call. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people caught in the crossfire. It is incumbent upon us all to work tirelessly towards bringing an end to the bloodshed and creating a future where peace and stability prevail in the region. The killing must stop, and it must stop now.

Committee Trip

During recess, I had a Scottish Affairs Committee trip to the US. We visited San Francisco and Washington as part of wider enquiries into Scotland’s Space sector, as well as Scotland’s Science and Technology sector. We also had the opportunity to go to New York and we were privileged enough to take part in the Tartan Day Parade. To prove it’s a small world, I bumped into two sets of constituents who were there on holiday!

Killie Foodbanks

Huge thanks to the Betting and Gaming Council for their generous £50 charity bet on the Grand National at the weekend. Had luck been on our side, all winnings would have gone directly to my selected charity, Killie Foodbanks. Killie Foodbanks is an organisation made up of dedicated Killie fans who selflessly support our local foodbanks. As part of Fans Supporting Foodbanks Scotland, their motto of #HungerDoesntWearClubColours resonates deeply with the community. Their tireless efforts deserve recognition and applause. Football fans often face unfair stereotypes, but the work of Killie Foodbanks and similar initiatives shines a light on the true spirit of camaraderie and compassion within our communities. They personify what it means to care for others regardless of club allegiances. Despite the horses not delivering a win, I'm pleased to announce that the Betting and Gaming Council will still be donating £250 to Killie Foodbanks. This contribution will go a long way in supporting their vital work, ensuring that those in need receive the assistance they deserve.