1st April 2024: A Week in Parliament


 I hope everyone who had the chance to take a break enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend with loved ones and close friends. It's always a special time of year that allows us to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the people who matter most. As we bid farewell to the Easter break, I want to express my appreciation to the schools, where students, teachers, and hard-working staff had a well-deserved respite before gearing up for the busy academic period ahead. A heartfelt thanks goes out to our emergency services personnel who worked tirelessly over the holiday to keep us safe. Their dedication and sacrifice do not go unnoticed. I’d also like to pay to tribute to the dedication of hospitality and retail staff who worked diligently to ensure we could enjoy outings and experiences during this time. Their hard work makes a real difference, allowing us to enjoy time with family and friends. As we get back to our everyday lives, let's keep that sense of gratitude and renewed motivation alive. Easter is a great time to remember the value of moments spent together and the importance of taking a moment to pause and reflect. Wishing you all a Happy Easter.

First Minister

It's been a year of challenges and triumphs under First Minister Humza Yousaf's leadership. Stepping into his role during a turbulent time for the party, there's no doubt he faced formidable obstacles. However, his resilience and dedication have been evident in every decision made. One significant move was evident in his first budget, which prioritized investing in essential public services like our NHS and education over tax cuts for the wealthy. This focus on the well-being of ordinary families reflects a commitment to tackling real issues, especially amidst a cost-of-living crisis. Working with councils to ensure a fully funded council tax freeze demonstrates a practical approach to easing financial burdens on households when they need it most. Additionally, the increased investment in the Scottish Child Payment is a game-changer, potentially lifting 90,000 children out of poverty by the end of 2024. Additionally, the SNP has consistently stood up for Scotland at Westminster, advocating for policies that benefit our communities and economy, as well as taking the lead on the Gaza conflict. In this first year, First Minister Yousaf has shown true leadership by navigating challenges with integrity and a focus on improving the lives of all Scots. Let's continue to support leaders who prioritise people over politics and strive for a better future for everyone in Scotland.

Israel and International Law

It has been reported that the UK Government has received legal advice about Israel’s compliance with international law, and that Israel may be in breach of it. Shamefully, no action has been taken on this. However, it confirms what the SNP has been saying and that there has to be a halt in arms sales from the UK to Israel. I have raised this several times at Westminster and I note that shamefully, Labour still has not done so, even after the reported legal advice.