6th May 2024: A Week in Parliament

Humza Yousaf

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Humza for his unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in serving both Scotland and the SNP. Leading the party through turbulent times is no easy feat, yet he approached every challenge with grace and dignity. His handling of the conflict in Gaza stands as a testament to his moral compass and unwavering resolve. In a political landscape often marred by divisiveness, Humza remained steadfast in his pursuit of justice, earning the respect and admiration of many, both within and beyond our borders. He is, without a doubt, a leader who can hold his head high, knowing that he stood on the right side of history. I wish to express my gratitude to Humza for his commitment to Scotland and the cause of independence. As the SNP prepares to elect a new leader, we must remain united in our shared vision for Scotland's future. The challenges ahead may be daunting, but I am confident that with the same spirit of determination and resilience that guided us under Humza's leadership, we will continue to stand up for Scotland and work tirelessly to build a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous country.

John Swinney

I welcome John Swinney's election as SNP Party Leader. His press conference last week showcased the steady leadership we need in these challenging times. Kate Forbes' endorsement further underscores John's value to our party and our nation. With their combined experience and vision, I am confident in their ability to lead Scotland with integrity from the frontbenches.


The ongoing betrayal of WASPI women by Westminster parties is nothing short of shameful. Despite ample opportunities, both Labour and the Tories have failed to apologize or devise a compensation scheme for these women who have been unjustly disadvantaged. Even more disgraceful is their refusal to accept the findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman regarding the UK Government's failures in this matter. In Kilmarnock and Loudoun alone, this negligence affects 6,500 women, a fact that cannot be ignored. Since my election in 2015, I have tirelessly raised this issue in Parliament, advocating for justice for these women who have been left in financial uncertainty through no fault of their own. The SNP stands firm in our commitment to ensure that every single WASPI woman receives the justice and full compensation they rightfully deserve. I have personally championed the cause of WASPI women, and I continue to push for progress. My 10 Minute Rule Bill regarding the rights of WASPI women is awaiting its second reading in Parliament. Westminster cannot continue to kick the can down the road on this crucial issue. It's time for action, not empty promises. As long as Scotland remains tethered to this dysfunctional Westminster system, the SNP will remain a strong voice for WASPI women and for Scotland's values. We will not rest until justice is served and these women are given the support they need and deserve.