Asda Supermarket Surgery - 29/4/22

This week Alan Brown MP is hosting a special pop-up surgery at Asda in Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be at the supermarket on Friday from 11am – 12pm. Constituents will be able to approach the MP after their weekly shop and speak to him about potential casework or even just for a friendly chat.

With most restrictions now being lifted, Mr Brown is excited to get back out and about in the constituency.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am looking forward to being at Asda on Friday for the pop-up surgery. With a lot of restrictions now being eased, I am delighted to get back out in the constituency, be visible and having face to face interactions. I have still been having regular virtual surgeries – all through the pandemic – but it is far better to be able to engage with constituents in person.

“This will be my first supermarket surgery since before the pandemic as I look forward to making this a regular event with restrictions now being eased. Asda has been great to deal with and are giving us a good spot behind the checkouts so that shoppers can approach us on their way out after getting their shopping for the week!

“We have lettered some households near the venue to let constituents know we will be there if they want to raise anything with me. If anyone has an issue they would like to raise or, if you would just like to have a chat then please come along.

“If you can’t manage along to the surgery but need assistance with any matter dealt with at Westminster, such as; social security, employment or immigration issues, please contact my office and I will do all I can to help.”