Pop-up at Kilmarnock Cross (June)

On Friday 24th June 2022 Alan Brown MP is hosting a special pop-up surgery at The Cross in Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be in the town centre on Friday from 12pm – 1pm. Constituents will be able to approach the MP if they are out and about in the town and speak to him about potential casework or even just for a friendly chat.

This will be the third time in the last three years Mr Brown will be hosting this surgery in the heart of Kilmarnock – having been there in June 2019 and August 2020.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am looking forward to being at The Cross on Friday for the pop-up surgery. With a lot of restrictions now being eased, I am delighted to get back out in the constituency, be visible and having face to face interactions. I have still been having regular virtual surgeries – all through the pandemic – but it is far better to be able to engage with constituents in person.

“I have had a couple of pop-up surgeries so far this year, most recently a supermarket surgery at Asda at the end of April, as we try and move forward post covid restrictions. The past few weeks have been great with all the gala days in and around the constituency and being able to speak with constituents face to face.

“The surgery at Kilmarnock Cross is turning into an annual tradition with me being there the last two summers! It’s a great location right in the middle of the town with plenty of people and therefore lots of visibility.

“It is important to show constituents I am available and approachable if they wish to discuss anything. Additionally, my office is now open for constituents to pop in on an appointment basis. In the coming weeks, I hope to have face-to-face office-based surgeries but the option for virtual appointments will still be made available for those who wish. It is important to make my constituents feel comfortable but also for the flexibility factor as it is not always feasible for people to take time out of their day to attend an appointment when there is the option to do this over the phone or Microsoft Teams/ Zoom.

“If you can’t manage along to The Cross but need assistance with any matter dealt with at Westminster, such as; social security, employment or immigration issues, please contact my office and I will do all I can to help.”