Press Release: SafeWalk


In support of the UN Women worldwide campaign to end gender-based violence Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun attended a Parliamentary reception to show support for this important cause.

The event, organised in collaboration with SafeWalk, aligned with this year’s theme to ‘invest to prevent violence against women and girls’. 

The 16 Days of Activism campaign encourages citizens to show their commitment to ending violence against women and girls by sharing the actions they are taking to create a world free from such violence. 

SafeWalk are a groundbreaking new initiative from SafeKab, dedicated to ensuring the safety of women when travelling. Representatives from SafeWalk were present at the event, to give insight into how their app works, and how it can help constituents across Kilmarnock and Loudoun.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

"I was pleased to show my support for this incredibly vital campaign. 

“I regularly hear from women across my constituency about their concerns and experiences when travelling, and I know how much of an impact it can have on their daily lives. 

“Women should be able to travel safely; however, that still isn’t the case for so many, and that’s why initiatives such as the 16 days of activism and apps like SafeWalk are so important to moving this cause forward.

“It is crucial to recognise that our efforts at the local level contribute to a larger, worldwide campaign against violence targeting women.

“It is high time for us to stand against this pervasive issue, and strive to create a world where women can travel without fear, ensuring safety, dignity, and equality for all." 

Gavin Johnston from SafeWalk added:

“Our first priority with anything we do is safety. That’s our number one goal.

“The idea for Safewalk came from exactly that. We wanted to make sure everyone feels safe when making a journey.

“Over the years, you see things you don’t want to and that no one should have to experience. We hope to eradicate that as far as possible.

“It’s a real concern for women, and that’s why we want to address these issues, and hopefully give women confidence when travelling”.