11th March 2024: A Week in Parliament


Like most, I am deeply disappointed by the Chancellor’s Spring Statement. Once again it underscores the UK Government's neglect of Scotland's needs. Despite promises of funding for our people and vital public services, the reality falls short. Firstly, the Budget's allocation for health through Barnett consequentials is less than what was provided in in-year health consequentials for 2023-24. This lack of sufficient funding directly impacts the well-being of our citizens and the efficiency of our healthcare system. Furthermore, the failure to allocate additional capital funding for infrastructure perpetuates the stagnation of our essential projects. Moreover, it is outrageous that the Tory tax breaks primarily benefit the wealthiest individuals, while the burdens of rising rents, mortgages, bills, and food prices disproportionately burden working families. This inequity highlights a systemic flaw in the government's priorities, one that consistently prioritizes the affluent over the needs of ordinary Scots. What's equally concerning is the lack of opposition from Labour regarding any measure in the budget. This bipartisan compliance underscores a fundamental truth: whether under Labour or Conservative rule, Westminster does not have Scotland's best interests at heart. It's time for genuine representation that prioritises the well-being of our people and addresses the unique challenges faced by Scotland.

Oil and Gas Sector

Once again, Westminster has shamelessly sacrificed the interests of the north-east to line the coffers of the UK Treasury. The Office for Budget Responsibility's confirmation that they anticipate pocketing an additional £20.6 billion from Scotland's natural resources by 2029 is a damning indictment of their disregard for our region's well-being. What's worse, the threat to Scottish jobs and our energy transition looms large, with even Starmer's Labour Party throwing their weight behind these detrimental policies. It's clear that the interests of Scotland are being sidelined in favour of short-term gains elsewhere. In stark contrast, the SNP remains committed to utilising Scotland's energy wealth for the benefit of our own communities. We advocate for reinvesting these resources to lower household energy bills and to drive forward green energy initiatives, rather than squandering them on nuclear power plants in distant parts of the UK. Unlike the Tories and Labour, who seem content to abandon Scottish interests, the SNP will tirelessly defend Scottish jobs, champion our values, and tirelessly negotiate the best possible outcomes for families across Scotland.

Bellfield Shops

It was a pleasure to visit the Bellfield Shop last Thursday. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Kenny at The Lounge Cafe for his outstanding dedication to supporting our community and for his unwavering commitment to assisting those with additional support needs. Additionally, I had the opportunity to stop by A Scents of Scotland in anticipation of Mother’s Day where I purchased some goods to gift to my mum. Some of my staff also visited G. Donaldson’s Traditional Family Butcher to get some top-quality local produce for the weekend’s dinners! It's fantastic to see small businesses thriving - these experiences reaffirm the importance of supporting our local businesses, which not only bolster our economy but also enrich the fabric of our community.

4th March 2024: A Week in Parliament


I want to make it clear that our message to the Chancellor ahead of the UK Spring Budget is straightforward: prioritize investment in public spending and infrastructure over further tax cuts. Scotland must not bear the brunt of Tory and Labour Party austerity measures. The plans of Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer to slash frontline public services pose a clear and present danger to Scotland's public services. While the SNP Scottish Government will always strive to protect public services, Scotland is not immune to the devastation caused by Westminster cuts, Brexit, and the UK's soaring inflation rates. Only with the full economic and fiscal powers of an independent nation can we utilize all the tools available to other governments to support our public services and address inequalities. We must have the ability to make decisions that are tailored to Scotland's unique needs and circumstances. This includes having control over our own tax and spending policies, which would allow us to invest in areas that matter most to our communities.

SNP policies lifting children out of poverty 

Updated modelling reveals that SNP initiatives, such as the Scottish Child Payment, are projected to lift an estimated 100,000 children out of relative poverty and 70,000 children out of absolute poverty in the fiscal year 2024-25. This translates to child poverty rates being 10 percentage points lower than they would have been without these measures. These figures are a testament to the effectiveness of our policies in addressing one of the most pressing issues facing our society. However, they also underscore the importance of continued efforts to combat poverty at every level of government. As First Minister Humza Yousaf rightly pointed out, the UK Government has the power to make further strides in this area. By implementing changes to Universal Credit, such as introducing an Essential's Guarantee and scrapping the two-child limit, they could lift an additional 40,000 children out of poverty in Scotland this year alone. Every child in Scotland deserves a life free of poverty and we must remain steadfast in our commitment to making this a reality.


Titch Coffee House

I had the pleasure of visiting the newly opened Titch Coffee House last Friday. While some of my staff were fortunate enough to attend the opening night on Thursday, my travel commitments prevented me from joining them. However, I made sure to stop by on Friday to pick up some coffee and pastries for the office. It's truly commendable that all the produce is sourced locally, supporting Scottish businesses. The first few days of business have been a resounding success for the team, and it's heartening to see an empty space transformed into a top-of-the-range coffee house. This adds to the thriving businesses already operating on Titchfield Street. Credit to Melv and Becky for their dedication to improving the area.

They are located at 57 Titchfield Street in Kilmarnock and you can also find them on Instagram @titchcoffeehouse. I encourage everyone to stop by and experience their offerings firsthand.

26th February 2024: A Week in Parliament

Sir Lindsay Hoyle

I am deeply concerned about the recent actions of the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle. After last week's antics, I feel his position is untenable. Along with more than 70 other MPs, we have signed the Early Day Motion stating we have no confidence in him. The Speaker's role should be impartial, yet it was not evident in the recent events. For Labour to take control of the SNP Opposition Day Debate, which we only get three a year, was unacceptable. Furthermore, for the SNP not to be allowed to vote on their motion in an Opposition Day Debate is scandalous. Hoyle ripped up the rulebook to take the heat off of Keir Starmer. The Speaker's rationale for prioritizing security over debate shifted dramatically. Despite citing the need for wide discussion, suddenly security became paramount, implying the SNP Motion endangered lives. Are we now letting mob-rule dictate House business?

In an interview with Channel 4, Labour MP Chris Bryant openly admitted that Labour manipulated the rules to get what they wanted. What more evidence do you need? Their actions also delayed the start of the debate by about 40 minutes and the decisions they forced Hoyle into also cut 40 minutes from the end of the debate, yet they claim all they cared about was the substance of the debate.

It's clear that the Speaker's actions have undermined the integrity of the House of Commons and the democratic process. It's time for a change. Once again, the disdain Westminster has shown for Scotland's voice was unmistakable.

Ceasefire in Gaza

Despite the circus of last week, I am pleased Labour has changed its position, after SNP and public pressure, and we can now work towards a ceasefire in Gaza. Our calls for the UK to back an immediate ceasefire have always been about forcing the UK Government to use every lever it has to achieve an immediate ceasefire. Since the UK Parliament voted against a ceasefire in November, 29,000 Palestinian children, women, and civilians have been killed - and vast swathes of Gaza have been destroyed. While the appalling spectacle at Westminster has been deeply unedifying, some progress has been made. The SNP will now move the debate forward and press the UK parliament to back concrete actions to secure an immediate ceasefire. Public and SNP pressure has forced the next Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, into a U-turn - now we need to work together to force the current UK Government to change its position too. We must stand together to end the violence and suffering in Gaza.

Titch Coffee House

I am delighted that a new business will be opening up on Titchfield Street and making use of an empty space. Credit to Stuart and his wife Becky for the wonderful work they have carried out and looking to improve the area. I know Stuart well through our mutual love of Kilmarnock F.C. and I have no doubt this will be a roaring success and will add to the businesses already on Titchfield Street, including Café City where my staff frequent often! The more businesses and empty spaces being filled the better. I look forward to attending the opening on Thursday (29th February) evening.

19th February 2024: A Week in Parliament

Ceasefire Motion

As an SNP MP, I am proud to be part of a party that is leading the way in calling for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. Since day one, we have been consistent in our efforts to bring about peace, and I am still astounded that Labour abstained from voting for a ceasefire back in November. I commend the 56 brave Labour rebels who voted in favour of the motion, but it is disappointing that neither Ian Murray nor the newly elected Michael Shanks were among them.

On Wednesday, we will bring a ceasefire vote to Parliament. The situation in Gaza is dire, with Palestinian civilians bearing the brunt of Israel's military campaign. According to recent reports, 92% of the fatalities in Gaza have been Palestinian civilians, including over 14,000 children. This is unacceptable, and the daily death rate in Gaza is now higher than in any major 21st-century conflict.

A ceasefire is essential for the safe delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, where over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. Despite the International Court of Justice's order to increase aid delivery.

It is clear that words of caution from Western leaders have been ignored, and it is time for the international community to be more robust. 

I urge all MPs to vote in favour of the ceasefire motion on Wednesday and to stand up for the rights of Palestinian civilians who have suffered for far too long. Sir Keir Starmer insists any ceasefire must be permanent and not temporary. Of course, that is the end goal as well as a proper Two State Solution. However, the stark reality is that unless both sides are pressured into even a temporary ceasefire, then more innocent lives are lost. I do not understand how the Labour Party cannot see this. 

Wes Streeting, a Labour frontbencher, also says it is difficult for them because they “are preparing for Government”. What on earth does that mean when assessing calling for an immediate ceasefire? 

The volume of correspondence from my constituents in the past four months has been unprecedented in my tenure as an MP. Their profound empathy and humanity make me even prouder to represent them.

Fenwick and Moscow Street Surgery

Looking forward to being in both Fenwick and Moscow this coming Friday (23rd February 2024) as part of my Street Surgery initiative. Constituents in Auchans Place, Blackfaulds Drive, Brookfield Grove, Fowld's View, Fulton's Crescent, Glencraig Terrace, Guthrie's Grove, Holm Crescent, Kilmaurs Road, Kirkton Place, Main Road, Raith Road, Rowallan Wynd, Rysland Drive, Skernieland Road, Waterslap, Weavers Court in Fenwick, as well as all of Waterside, will have received a letter notifying them that I will be there if they wish to speak to me about an issue. However, if you will not be in or do not reside in the areas listed above but have an issue you would like to discuss don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Street Surgeries are always great way to engage with constituents on important local issues.

12th February 2024: A Week in Parliament


Last week's poll results brought encouraging news, highlighting independence support at 53%. Furthermore, they indicated a significant lead for the SNP over Labour, with a 7-point advantage in Westminster voting intention and a 9-point lead in the Holyrood constituency vote. These figures reaffirm the trust placed in the SNP on crucial matters such as the economy, health, education, and the cost of living. However, it's essential to emphasise that we never rest on our laurels or take any votes for granted. We remain committed to addressing the priorities of people throughout Scotland, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met.

Labour’s Energy U-Turn

Having previously held various Spokesperson roles in relation to energy, I strongly condemn Starmer’s detrimental decision to slash energy investment. This £28bn cut threatens Scottish jobs, undermines economic growth, and burdens families with high energy bills. Furthermore, it reflects a lack of vision and foresight on behalf of Westminster, demonstrating their incapacity to provide the necessary investment for Scotland to thrive in the global green energy race. While our international partners are forging ahead with investments to bolster employment and ensure economic and energy stability, the UK is regrettably retracting its commitments. By aligning with Brexit and adhering to Tory fiscal policies, Starmer is steering the UK towards another decade of sluggish growth and detrimental cuts to essential public services. The biggest sting in the Autumn budget was a future £19bn reduction in departmental spend – no-one knows where that axe will fall as yet, but it means major cuts to public spending. And Labour have committed to retaining the Tory spending plans and therefore these cuts.

Non-Dom Status

Last week, I brought up the issue of non-dom status in the House. While the UK Government speaks of fairness, the reality is quite different. As we navigate through a cost-of-living crisis, almost a million struggling pensioners are facing the burden of increased income tax due to the freeze in personal allowance rates. Meanwhile, the wealthiest individuals are shielded by non-domicile status. It's time for the Tories to take action and rectify this injustice. By abolishing non-dom status, the Treasury stands to gain an additional £3 billion annually. This revenue could be crucial in safeguarding the financial security of pensioners and supporting the lowest-paid individuals in our society. It’s time for the UK Government to do the right thing and protect pensioners and the lowest paid in our society.

Elena Whitham MSP

It's tough to see my colleague and, more importantly, my friend taking a step back from her ministerial role. Elena’s decision, based on her well-being, highlights the ongoing struggles with mental health discussions, which does not discriminate. It's a reminder that politicians are human beings too, with their own challenges and stresses. As Minister for Drug and Alcohol Policy, she worked tirelessly despite immense pressures. Her bravery in prioritising her health reminds us of the importance of self-care, especially in demanding jobs. When she's ready to come back, she'll bring back her wisdom and dedication to Cabinet. Let's ensure she feels supported during this challenging period, both for her and her family.

5th February 2024: A Week in Parliament

Labour Backs Bankers Bonuses 

In the midst of an escalating cost-of-living crisis, it's alarming to witness the Labour Party aligning itself with the Tories by endorsing the removal of the cap on bankers' bonuses. This decision, in essence, reflects a disregard for the struggles faced by ordinary people.

It raises questions about whether Starmer truly stands on the side of ordinary working families or aligns more with the interests of the wealthy Westminster elite. At the same time, it was revealed that Labour has accepted £2m in donations from the City. A co-incidence?!

Another Starmer U-Turn 

His recent reversal on Labour’s £28 billion green investment pledge is deeply concerning, particularly for voters in Scotland. This decision has the potential to inflict severe damage, compromising our economic growth, energy security, skilled job opportunities, and inward investment. It is clear that only the SNP is willing to actively stand up for Scotland's energy interests. We aim to harness the full potential of the green energy wave sweeping across the US and EU, ultimately benefiting our economy.

10 Minute Rule Bill

This week I look forward to presenting a 10-minute Rule Bill to parliament on behalf of my constituents who have been affected by the changes to state pension age. Since being elected in 2015 I have worked alongside the WASPI Campaign in seeking to deliver justice for this scandal. More than 6,500 in Kilmarnock & Loudoun have been affected by this and my Bill urges the Secretary of State for the Department of Work & Pensions to publish compensation scheme proposals for these women. For as long as I am MP I will continue to fight this injustice.

Covid Inquiry 

In these challenging times, the Scottish Government stands committed to a thorough examination of recommendations stemming from both the Scottish and UK public inquiries into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As we navigate through the complexities of the post-pandemic landscape, it is imperative that we learn from our experiences. The First Minister, Humza Yousaf, has openly acknowledged the existence of valuable lessons to be gleaned from the crisis. To ensure a comprehensive understanding, he has taken the proactive step of commissioning an externally led review specifically focused on the Scottish Government's use of mobile messaging apps and non-corporate technology.

It's crucial that we afford the inquiry the necessary time and space to identify areas of improvement in government decision-making during a pandemic. This reflective process is not about pointing fingers but about fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Last week Nicola Sturgeon, the former First Minister, faced the Covid inquiry. In my view, she did an exemplary job in guiding our country through the most unprecedented times since the Second World War. Her leadership during the pandemic has been marked by resilience and a commitment to the well-being of the public. In many ways the WhatsApp hysteria misses the key considerations about what decisions and actions should and should not have been taken.

As we move forward, the Scottish Government remains dedicated to thoroughly responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries. Learning from this self-reflection is crucial for our preparation for future pandemics.

29th January 2024: A Week in Parliament

Maritime Security

In a recent session of the House, I raised a critical question regarding the Prime Minister's discourse on maritime security, specifically concerning efforts to prevent illegal arms from reaching Yemen. I sought clarification on how the UK's capacity to contribute to broader maritime security would be influenced by the considerations surrounding the decommissioning of HMS Westminster and HMS Argyll, both of which underwent multimillion-pound refits. Drawing attention to the looming decision on whether to mothball HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark, I pressed for a definitive timeline on when the government will make a final decision. The potential decommissioning of these naval assets has raised concerns about the UK's strategic capabilities in maintaining maritime security, especially in the context of addressing the flow of illegal arms to Yemen. It is essential for the government to provide transparency and a clear strategy on these matters, considering the implications for national security and the broader efforts to maintain stability in the maritime domain. This parliamentary inquiry underscores the need for careful consideration and informed decision-making to safeguard the UK's role in ensuring maritime security in the region.

Naloxone Training

Last week my staff underwent naloxone training with another MP office (Dr Phillipa Whitford MP). With the opioid crisis impacting communities across the nation, arming our personnel with the knowledge and skills to administer Naloxone can be life-saving - literally. In today's society, where opioid-related emergencies are unfortunately prevalent, Naloxone training becomes an essential tool in our commitment to public health and safety. This proactive approach not only protects our staff but also positions us to make a meaningful contribution to mitigating the impacts of the opioid epidemic on our community. For more information, online training or to order the vital tools please visit:

Budo Martial Arts Academy

In an unexpected turn of events on a Thursday night, I had the privilege of being awarded Honorary Membership at the Budo Martial Arts Academy in Kilmarnock. The academy, under the guidance of Professor Bert Rogers, extended a special invitation for me to join a session in their 'Dojo' at St Joseph's. What transpired was an enlightening introduction to the world of Martial Arts and Self-Defence. Under the expert guidance of Professor Rogers, the experience was not just a physical endeavour but a holistic exploration of discipline, focus, and resilience. The camaraderie within the Dojo was palpable, and the dedication of the academy members was truly inspiring. I encourage everyone to consider taking up this enriching pastime. Martial Arts is not just about self-defence; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The Budo Martial Arts Academy in Kilmarnock provides a welcoming environment for individuals of all ages and skill levels. My unexpected Thursday night venture into the world of Martial Arts was a unique and memorable experience, and I extend my gratitude to Professor Bert Rogers and the entire Budo Martial Arts Academy community for this honorary opportunity. To those curious about embarking on a journey of physical and mental well-being, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to the academy and embracing the transformative power of Martial Arts.

22nd January 2024: A Week in Parliament

 Rwanda Bill

The Tory’s Rwanda Bill is deeply callous and immoral. It's a further demonstration that Westminster's values are not Scotland's values - Scotland has a proud history of welcoming those fleeing war and persecution. The Scottish Government is committed to creating an immigration system which is centred around fairness and dignity and prioritises safe and legal routes for refugees fleeing war and persecution. My SNP colleagues and I will continue to call out the UK Government’s inhumane and morally bankrupt immigration policies at every possible opportunity.


Disgracefully Starmer has now reneged on Labour’s pledge to recognise Palestine unilaterally, saying he will only do so if Israel consents. With Netanyahu restating he will never recognise a Palestinian State then it is clear that it needs other countries to force their hand if there is ever to be a proper peace in the region. Sweden and Iceland and many Central European countries do, but more western countries need to do so.

University Places

Record numbers of full-time entrants are coming to our universities from the most deprived communities in Scotland, taking advantage of free tuition and the world-class education on our doorstep. Scotland’s student support offering and policy on free tuition supports over 120,000 students every year. The Scottish Government continues to invest nearly £2 billion a year on Scotland’s universities and colleges, despite the most difficult public spending environment since devolution. Through this, the SNP in government continues to protect the right to free tuition and drive forward a commitment to widening access. From a parliament question, I have it confirmed that students in England will pay a 9% income tax surcharge on all earnings above £27,00 for an average period of 30-40 years to pay off their tuition fees. Conveniently forgotten when Tories and Labour bang on about income tax in Scotland!

Holocaust Memorial Day

Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day I signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment, in doing so pledging my commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people today. Holocaust Memorial Day is an important opportunity for people from Kilmarnock and Loudoun and all across the UK to reflect on the darkest times of European history. By signing the Book of Commitment, I pledge to remember the six million Jewish men, women and children who were murdered in the Holocaust and speak out against all forms of antisemitism, which in recent months has risen exponentially and which needs to be tackled head on.

Burns Night 2024

As we mark Burns Night, I look forward to attending and hosting Burns Suppers over the coming days, revelling in the immortal words of our national bard. On Sunday, I had the honour of laying a wreath at Burns' monument in Mauchline, symbolising our respect for his work which is known the world over. The Burns Supper tradition not only unites us in joyous camaraderie but also serves as a profound homage to Burns' contributions.

15th January 2024: A Week in Parliament

Post Office Scandal

The recent ITV drama starring Toby Jones has brought the Horizon scandal back into the public eye and has people discussing it again. This is something I have been well aware of, even before my time as MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun. However, as the representative for the area I have dealt with constituents who have been directly affected by this grave injustice. Last week I raised one of their cases in the House. This constituent not only lost their post office franchise as a result of Horizon’s false accusations but subsequently, due to the associated pressures, lost their main business as well. That is what I tried to highlight, it is not only those who were convicted and prosecuted who should be compensated, but those who were wrongly accused. I will continue to fight the case for constituents affected by this miscarriage of justice.

I found it amusing that some people on social media were accusing me of only mentioning the matter because it was on TV! I participated in a select committee enquiry which started in March 2020 and have raised the matter over the years since.

On a separate note, I was disgusted to see a new report emerge which finds that the Post Office claimed £934m tax relief for its compensation payments to the postmasters it persecuted. I do not know where to begin with these findings. It rubs salt into the wounds of those affected and it is fair to say that the Post Office needs a real clear out of its executives.

Airstrikes in Yemen

I share the concerns of many regarding the UK Government's recent decision to partake in airstrikes against Yemen. While we unequivocally condemn the actions of the Iranian-backed Houthis, it is essential to question the purpose of our involvement. The pressing question on the minds of many is: What do we hope to achieve with these airstrikes? The situation in Yemen is undoubtedly complex, and while we condemn the Houthis' actions, it's crucial to critically assess the potential outcomes of our military interventions. History has shown us the dire consequences of engaging in conflicts in the Middle East without a clear and achievable goal. Airstrikes in this case may well be justified but what is the end game here? Haven't we learned from the mistakes of the past? The Prime Minister's decision to engage in airstrikes without seeking parliamentary input raises transparency concerns and undermines democratic principles. Former Ambassador Frances Guy's warning that airstrikes may play "right into extremist hands" underscores the potential unintended consequences. We must weigh the broader impact of our actions, even with the best intentions. I will continue advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza and a diplomatic approach to address the root causes of Middle East conflicts and end this indiscriminate killing. Let us learn from the past and pursue peaceful, sustainable solutions to the region's complex challenges.

8th January 2024: A Week in Parliament


I wish everyone a Happy New Year. In what is going to be a general election year, I intend to work as hard as ever for my constituents and then work as hard as possible to get re-elected. It is high time that the Tory Government was overthrown. Of his five pledges, the only one Sunak has made was that of halving inflation. Except, of course, they said high inflation had nothing to do with them, so they cannot take credit for reducing it if inflation is outside their control! Starmer unfortunately continues to un-inspire with him continuing to flip-flop on more policies. Far greater change is required.

Alaa Abd el-Fattah

Cross-party MPs have come together to sign a letter urging David Cameron’s intervention in the case of British citizen Alaa Abd el-Fattah, currently imprisoned in Egypt for nearly a decade. I am pleased to announce my support for this crucial initiative. Alaa, a champion of democracy, has faced unjust incarceration for his writings on freedom and social issues. The letter addressed to the Foreign Secretary emphasises the urgent need to secure Alaa's release, highlighting recent positive political developments in Egypt as a potential window for diplomatic intervention. As a signatory to this letter, I am committed to supporting its demands and will keep constituents informed of any parliamentary progress on this matter.

Killie Community

It was inspiring seeing Killie Community share Scott Montgomery’s story on their socials last week. The video detailed Scott’s journey from tragically losing his son Ben last year - at just 20 years old - to cancer, to where he is now. After suffering such a low in his life, one I cannot even begin to imagine, to now being in great physical and mental health is truly fantastic. By joining Killie Community’s various programmes Scott has reaped the rewards for all his hard work. The work the Killie Community do is commendable, and I have been happy to support many of their funding initiatives as well as join them for their Walk & Talk session which takes place every Wednesday. I would encourage everyone to watch Scott’s story and join the Killie Community for their wonderful initiatives that improve your physical health as well as your mental well-being. They are showing why Kilmarnock F.C. is more than just a football club.

Waterside Street Surgery

Looking forward to being in Waterside this coming Friday (12th January 2024) knocking on doors with my staff.  It will be my first Street Surgery of 2024 and one I am relishing as over the past year it has been great to get this back up and running. Constituents in Fenwick Road, Main Road, McKnight Avenue, and Mill Wynd will have received a letter notifying them that I will be there if they wish to speak to me about an issue. However, if you will not be in or do not reside in the areas listed above but have an issue you would like to discuss don't hesitate to get in touch with me.