Utopia Computers - 30/8/22

In addition to the Brownings visit, the Westminster representatives also stopped by Utopia Computers.

Again, another award winning, family-run, local business based in Kilmarnock. Utopia is a manufacturer of some of the world's most powerful desktops and laptop computers with a team of multi award-winning engineers, thinkers, modders and tech fanatics.

The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun and SNP Westminster Leader met with Managing Director Craig Hume to discuss concerns over the cost of living.

Like Brownings, Utopia’s energy bills have sold from £2,000 to a staggering £9,000 per year. The Kilmarnock based business is a living wage employer as well as a profit-sharing business and Managing

Director Craig Hume expressed the issues this poses when dealing with the cost of living crisis:

“Obviously the cost of living crisis is a concern for any small business. We have got 13 people here that we are trying to look after and we don’t really see an easy way out at the moment.

“The cost of electricity in this one unit has went from £2,000 to potentially £9,000 per year. At the end of the day we are a profit-sharing business and that comes straight out of the pockets of the people we employ.

He added:

“It was really good to see Alan (Brown) and Ian (Blackford) today as we were able to share our story and get across some our concerns. Also, to get them to understand that we really do want them to push for other solutions beyond that of nuclear energy and fracking - Cop 26 has just passed and we should be looking at renewables and a new way of powering the UK.”

Also commenting, Alan Brown MP and SNP Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change said:

“I have corresponded with Craig over this issue but it is important to raise further awareness of what is at stake here for local businesses.

"Boris Johnson has destroyed his legacy but he could salvage some of his damaged reputation by scrapping the energy price cap rise as one of his final acts in office.

"Households and businesses need help right now - not months down the line. Westminster has repeatedly refused to devolve powers to Scotland, so it has the responsibility to act.

"By refusing to use its reserved powers to tackle this Tory-made cost of living crisis, Westminster is failing families and making the case for independence."

Commenting, after visiting both businesses Mr Blackford said:

"The cost-of-living crisis is growing worse by the day - yet we have a Prime Minister missing in action and two Tory leadership candidates who are refusing to put forward any sort of plan to support people through it.

“Households need help right now - and many businesses are on the verge of closing their doors. They can’t afford to wait weeks or months more, without knowing when, what or whether any meaningful support will come.

"This was made clear on my recent trip to Kilmarnock with my colleague and constituency MP Alan Brown. Brownings the Bakers revealed that their energy bills had jumped from £4000 to £11,000 per week, and Utopia Computers had seen an increase of £7000 per year.

“By refusing to use its reserved powers to tackle the Tory-made cost of living crisis, the Westminster government has abandoned households and businesses. It must now get a grip and stop passing the buck, reverse the energy price cap rise, and recall parliament immediately to deliver an emergency budget that provides the support people need - including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling support for households, and introducing an energy price cap and grants for businesses."