Queen Elizabeth II - 12/9/22

My comments regarding the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II:

“I was saddened to hear of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.  I was in the Chamber for the Prime Minister’s energy statement when the news broke that she was not well - it was surreal to see it filter through the Commons.

“She ruled for over 70-years with such grace and dignity, it cannot be underestimated how sad a loss this is for the UK and the rest of the Commonwealth. On Friday, I closed my office to the public, staff continued to work from home, as a mark of respect for Her Majesty.

“My deepest and sincere condolences go out to her family, as beyond the status and royal duties, she was a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

“For many people, she is all they knew as Head of State and the one constant in so many of our lives. The tributes from world leaders convey the respect she gathered from all across the globe.

“Her dedication and service to the people of Scotland will not be forgotten and there is something quite comforting that she passed at her much-loved residence at Balmoral.

“The incoming King, Charles III, also has a close affiliation with Scotland and my best wishes go to His Majesty ahead of his reign.”