Scottish homeowners paying brutal price of Westminster control - 13/10/22


The Westminster Tory government has been told to “get a grip” of the cost-of-living crisis and the fallout from its disastrous budget by Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun following warnings that the number of homeowners falling behind on their mortgage payments is on the rise.

The UK’s fourth largest mortgage provider, Santander, announced plans to set more money aside for potential defaults as rates continue to rise and households struggle after the Tory budget pushed the UK to the brink of economic catastrophe.

Local MP Mr Brown said homeowners were being made to pay the brutal price of Westminster control and warned of the growing threat of a housing crash.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“The Tory government’s budget has been an utter disaster – putting people’s homes, pensions and incomes at risk, and demonstrating once again that Scotland needs independence so we can escape harmful Westminster control and get rid of the Tories for good.

“The latest grim warnings of a rise in the number of homeowners falling behind on their mortgage payments must be a wake-up call for the Prime Minister and Chancellor to get a grip of the economic crisis it has created by reversing the damage of its budget and acting to get mortgage rates back under control.

“Households across Scotland and the UK are being forced to pay a heavy price for Tory wreckonomics – with the very real threat of a housing crash and people losing their homes. In stark contrast, the SNP Scottish Government is taking the steps it can to support people by freezing rents and putting money in people's pockets through the Scottish Child Payment.

"However, it should not be left to the Scottish Government to clean up the mess as the Tories inflict hammer blow after hammer blow to the economy, households and businesses.

"It's beyond any doubt that only with independence will we be able to keep Scotland safe and escape Westminster control and the long-term damage and chaos it continues to inflict."

Alan Brown MP condemns "gaping hole" in support for off-grid homes - 26/9/22


The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has said Scottish rural households have been "hung out to dry" by the UK Tory government, following a financial statement that included nothing to support off-grid homes with energy bills.

Figures from the House of Commons Library estimate there are around 129,000 off-grid homes in Scotland reliant on home heating oil - households not connected to the UK energy grid and therefore not covered by the energy price cap or Energy Price Guarantee.

In the past two years, the cost of home heating oil for households has increased by more than 230%, rising from £0.31 a litre to £1.05 a litre. For a home in rural Scotland, £100 would buy less than 100 litres of heating oil, which would provide just two to three weeks of heating.

The UK government previously announced it will offer just £100 in total to households across the UK who do not benefit from the Energy Price Guarantee, leading to calls from the SNP and others to increase this amount. The Chancellor's statement on Friday made clear that call had been ignored.

Commenting, SNP Energy spokesperson Alan Brown MP said:

"Rural Scottish households have been hung out to dry by the Tories throughout this cost of living crisis. This latest lacklustre statement is an insult to thousands of families in rural communities across the country - and it's another gaping hole in the UK government's botched energy plan.

“I have had constituents contact me about this very issue. My office has sent letters out to farms and members of the rural community with information about the price of energy and many have come back to raise their concerns about these astronomical costs.

“I have written to the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) to raise these matters and it is staggering they believe the £100 will offset the cost to rural properties. 

"The cost of heating rural homes is much higher than other parts of the country - with the price of heating oil soaring by over 230% in two years. It’s incumbent upon the Chancellor to recognise the financial fears of rural households and implement meaningful assistance to support them through what’s set to be a difficult winter.

"Scotland is an energy-rich country with more than enough energy potential to be self-sufficient - but yet again we are paying the price of Westminster failure and bearing the cost of not being an independent country.

"While the Tories are focused on boosting bankers' bonuses, and giving billions in tax breaks to big businesses and the rich, they have forgotten about ordinary families.

"The UK government must wake up to reality and give rural families the support they need. With every day they fail to act, they are demonstrating Scotland would be better off as an independent country with the full powers needed to secure our energy supply for all homes."

Tories Abandoning Rural Scotland - 21/9/22


The SNP has said the Tory government has "abandoned rural Scotland" by failing to announce any meaningful support for rural homes in today's energy plan.

In the past two years, the cost of home heating oil has increased by more than 230%, rising from £0.31 a litre to £1.05 a litre. For a home in rural Scotland, £100 would buy less than 100 litres of heating oil, which would provide just two to three weeks of heating.

Yet, today (21/9/22), the UK government has announced it will offer just £100 in total to households across the UK who do not benefit from the Energy Price Guarantee.

Recent figures from the House of Commons Library show there are around 129,000 off-grid homes in Scotland dependent on home heating oil.

Commenting, SNP Energy spokesperson Alan Brown MP said:

"The Tories have completely abandoned rural Scotland throughout the cost of living crisis. This latest snub is an insult to thousands of families in rural communities across the country - and it's another gaping hole in the UK government's botched energy plan.

"The cost of heating rural homes is much higher than other parts of the country - with the price of heating oil soaring by over 230% in two years. And yet, just as we face the cold winter months, the Tory government is ignoring calls from the SNP and refusing to provide any meaningful support for rural families in Scotland.

"Scotland is an energy-rich country with more than enough energy potential to be self-sufficient - but yet again we are paying the price of Westminster failure and bearing the cost of not being an independent country.

"While the Tories are focused on boosting bankers' bonuses, and giving billions in tax breaks to big businesses and the rich, they have forgotten about ordinary families.

"The UK government must U-turn immediately and finally give rural families the support they need. With every day they fail to act, they are demonstrating Scotland would be better off as an independent country with the full powers needed to secure our energy supply for all homes."

Queen Elizabeth II - 12/9/22

My comments regarding the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II:

“I was saddened to hear of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.  I was in the Chamber for the Prime Minister’s energy statement when the news broke that she was not well - it was surreal to see it filter through the Commons.

“She ruled for over 70-years with such grace and dignity, it cannot be underestimated how sad a loss this is for the UK and the rest of the Commonwealth. On Friday, I closed my office to the public, staff continued to work from home, as a mark of respect for Her Majesty.

“My deepest and sincere condolences go out to her family, as beyond the status and royal duties, she was a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

“For many people, she is all they knew as Head of State and the one constant in so many of our lives. The tributes from world leaders convey the respect she gathered from all across the globe.

“Her dedication and service to the people of Scotland will not be forgotten and there is something quite comforting that she passed at her much-loved residence at Balmoral.

“The incoming King, Charles III, also has a close affiliation with Scotland and my best wishes go to His Majesty ahead of his reign.”

Utopia Computers - 30/8/22

In addition to the Brownings visit, the Westminster representatives also stopped by Utopia Computers.

Again, another award winning, family-run, local business based in Kilmarnock. Utopia is a manufacturer of some of the world's most powerful desktops and laptop computers with a team of multi award-winning engineers, thinkers, modders and tech fanatics.

The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun and SNP Westminster Leader met with Managing Director Craig Hume to discuss concerns over the cost of living.

Like Brownings, Utopia’s energy bills have sold from £2,000 to a staggering £9,000 per year. The Kilmarnock based business is a living wage employer as well as a profit-sharing business and Managing

Director Craig Hume expressed the issues this poses when dealing with the cost of living crisis:

“Obviously the cost of living crisis is a concern for any small business. We have got 13 people here that we are trying to look after and we don’t really see an easy way out at the moment.

“The cost of electricity in this one unit has went from £2,000 to potentially £9,000 per year. At the end of the day we are a profit-sharing business and that comes straight out of the pockets of the people we employ.

He added:

“It was really good to see Alan (Brown) and Ian (Blackford) today as we were able to share our story and get across some our concerns. Also, to get them to understand that we really do want them to push for other solutions beyond that of nuclear energy and fracking - Cop 26 has just passed and we should be looking at renewables and a new way of powering the UK.”

Also commenting, Alan Brown MP and SNP Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change said:

“I have corresponded with Craig over this issue but it is important to raise further awareness of what is at stake here for local businesses.

"Boris Johnson has destroyed his legacy but he could salvage some of his damaged reputation by scrapping the energy price cap rise as one of his final acts in office.

"Households and businesses need help right now - not months down the line. Westminster has repeatedly refused to devolve powers to Scotland, so it has the responsibility to act.

"By refusing to use its reserved powers to tackle this Tory-made cost of living crisis, Westminster is failing families and making the case for independence."

Commenting, after visiting both businesses Mr Blackford said:

"The cost-of-living crisis is growing worse by the day - yet we have a Prime Minister missing in action and two Tory leadership candidates who are refusing to put forward any sort of plan to support people through it.

“Households need help right now - and many businesses are on the verge of closing their doors. They can’t afford to wait weeks or months more, without knowing when, what or whether any meaningful support will come.

"This was made clear on my recent trip to Kilmarnock with my colleague and constituency MP Alan Brown. Brownings the Bakers revealed that their energy bills had jumped from £4000 to £11,000 per week, and Utopia Computers had seen an increase of £7000 per year.

“By refusing to use its reserved powers to tackle the Tory-made cost of living crisis, the Westminster government has abandoned households and businesses. It must now get a grip and stop passing the buck, reverse the energy price cap rise, and recall parliament immediately to deliver an emergency budget that provides the support people need - including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling support for households, and introducing an energy price cap and grants for businesses."

Brownings the Bakers - 30/8/22

Last week (Friday 26th August 2022) Alan Brown MP was joined by the SNP’s Westminster Leader at Brownings the Bakers in his constituency.

The Westminster representatives met with Brownings Director Matthew Short, CEO of Scottish Bakers Alasdair Smith and Managing Director of McGhee’s Bakery Gordon McGhee.

The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun was joined by Mr Blackford as they visited the family-run business to discuss the cost of living crisis.

Brownings contacted Mr Brown previously about their energy costs as they have gone from paying £4,000 per week to £11,000 per week before being offered £17,000 per week for a two-year fixed costs contract. The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun raised the matter directly with Chancellor Rishi Sunak in March but was unsatisfied with the response to his question.

Mr Brown and Mr Blackford have called for the energy price cap increase to be scrapped and for parliament to be recalled immediately.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

“Brownings is a family-run business synonymous with Kilmarnock and the Irvine Valley. They are a big employer in the area and to hear of the difficulties that lie ahead with the cost of living crisis is heartbreaking.

“I raised their case in Parliament back in March with the Chancellor who palmed it off, as he does. These businesses need real help and not a mere £1,000 tax cut.

“To go from paying £4,000 per week to £17,000 is horrifying and completely unsustainable.

“As is the same with everyone, it’s fuel costs as well. A big part of the business is distribution and the cost of fuel is equally as ridiculous. This is something else I have written to the Chancellor about as I have supported the Road Haulage Association’s plan for an Essential User Rebate of 15p per litre on fuel duty in order to protect businesses in my constituency as well as UK-wide.

“The Tories must stop burying their heads in the sand and recall parliament immediately to freeze the price cap and deliver pandemic levels of support, including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling help for households, and introducing an energy price cap and grants for small businesses.

”With every day Westminster fails to act, it is proving that gaining the full powers of independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe."

Brownings the Bakers Director Matthew Short added:

"We spend £4,000 every week on electricity, and when our new contract came around that shot up to £17,000 per week. The headline inflation figures of 10 to 12% are not the figures we are seeing; we’re paying 120% more for our vegetable oil than a year ago, 50% more for the meat in our pies, 100% for butter and the list goes on.

"We are right in the middle of Scottish society, we value our role, and we are very close to our consumers, and they’re struggling. The idea of us just passing our costs on to them is not realistic because people will ultimately not be able to afford to eat.

"We’re asking the government to come up with a solution because it’s not just Brownings the Bakers who are dealing with this, and it’s not just bakeries, it’s every food producer in Scotland."

Mr Blackford also added:

"The cost-of-living crisis is growing worse by the day - yet we have a Prime Minister missing in action and two Tory leadership candidates who are refusing to put forward any sort of plan to support people through it.

“Households need help right now - and many businesses are on the verge of closing their doors. They can’t afford to wait weeks or months more, without knowing when, what or whether any meaningful support will come.

"This was made clear on my recent trip to Kilmarnock with my colleague and constituency MP Alan Brown. Brownings the Bakers revealed that their energy bills had jumped from £4000 to £11,000 per week, and Utopia Computers had seen an increase of £7000 per year.

“By refusing to use its reserved powers to tackle the Tory-made cost of living crisis, the Westminster government has abandoned households and businesses. It must now get a grip and stop passing the buck, reverse the energy price cap rise, and recall parliament immediately to deliver an emergency budget that provides the support people need - including scrapping VAT on fuel, doubling support for households, and introducing an energy price cap and grants for businesses."

Southcraigs Street Surgery - 5/8/22

Next week (Wednesday 10th August) Alan Brown MP will be hosting a Street Surgery in Southcraigs in Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be joined by local councillors Elaine Cowan and David Richardson, who are elected in Kilmarnock North, as well as his office staff.

The MP aims to hit more than 300 doors in his first in-person Street Surgery since covid.

The elected members and staff will be chapping constituent's doors in; Auchentiber Place, Boydston Way, Burns Crescent, Burns Way, Dalgarven Mews, Darvel Avenue, Fenwick Close, Galston Place, Hollybush Place, Lugar Wynd, Mauchline Court, Newmilns Garden, Priestland Close, Stewarton Crescent, Tarbolton Place, Wallacetown Avenue and Westfield Road.

Residents of these streets will have received a letter from the office of Alan Brown notifying them of his presence in the area on Wednesday afternoon.  

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am really looking forward to getting out and chapping doors again. Of course, in the lead-up to the local council elections, I was out campaigning and door knocking but before the pandemic Street Surgeries were becoming a regular feature in my constituency engagement.

“Teaming up with the councillors will be a welcome addition too as their expertise will be useful for any local government and council matters.

"Last year, in the middle of the pandemic, I had a Virtual Street Surgery for residents in Stewarton but nothing compares to the real thing.

“This will actually be my first in Kilmarnock as before I was targeting some of the outlying areas of the constituency. Street Surgeries are a great way of engaging with constituents and I am trying to get away from the stigma that politicians only chap doors at election time.

“I am well aware that some residents will be at work or not at home, therefore, we will be posting leaflets with my contact information and details of my next surgery.

“This is important as it shows my constituents I am always accessible and they can get in touch at any time for assistance.”

Energy Bills - 1/8/22

Alan Brown MP has said the Tory government has allowed the cost of living crisis to spiral ‘out of control’ as new forecasts show energy bills are set to triple - with the average energy bill likely to rise to £500 for January 2023 alone.

The forecast, by utilities consultants BFY, also predicts that the price cap could rise to £3,850 by the end of the year - far exceeding what has previously been predicted. That’s nearly 4x the cost compared to July 2021.

MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun and SNP’s Shadow Energy Minister, Alan Brown has criticised the governing Tory party for prioritising ‘pathetic’ internal squabbles over the real issues of the day, and called for ‘real action’ and a swift package of support to help households cope with rising bills and inflation.

The predictions come after leading anti-poverty organisation, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, said in a recent report that the Cost of Living Support package announced in May 2022 will provide some temporary relief, but for many, the one-off payments will barely touch the sides.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP said:

“The Tory-made cost of living crisis is now completely out of control, with forecasts showing annual bills could come in at just under £4,000 in a mere matter of months.

“This spells a very grim winter for tens of millions of households across the UK, and with no help in sight there’s no telling how high bills will go and how much misery people will be forced to endure.

“How many more people must be forced to choose between heating or eating before the Tories wake up to the brutal reality of life in Conservative Britain and take action?

“But of course they’re too busy prioritising their own pathetic internal squabbles to pay any heed to the suffering their rule has enforced on the country.

“Lame leadership pledges of green levy and VAT cuts won’t make a jot of difference, nor will tax cuts designed to help the richest. We know this also means a doubling down on the ideology-driven austerity agenda that helped get us into this mess in the first place. 

“What’s needed is real action and a swift package of support for households struggling with out of control bills and rising inflation, but there’s a fat chance of it happening under Westminster control.

“Boris Johnson wasn’t up to the task, his two potential successors aren’t either, especially given one of them spent months as Chancellor refusing to offer real support to struggling households and failed to get a grip on rising inflation. 

“The Westminster system is clearly broken beyond repair. No amount of tinkering around the edges or a changing of the guard will usher in action to actually help the most vulnerable, all the more reason Scotland needs independence so we can chart our own course and put the cost of living crisis front and centre.

“Thankfully Scots will have the opportunity to free themselves from the grasp of undemocratic and unconcerned Tory rule forever by voting Yes to independence on October 19 2023.”

Pop-up at Kilmarnock Cross (June)

On Friday 24th June 2022 Alan Brown MP is hosting a special pop-up surgery at The Cross in Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be in the town centre on Friday from 12pm – 1pm. Constituents will be able to approach the MP if they are out and about in the town and speak to him about potential casework or even just for a friendly chat.

This will be the third time in the last three years Mr Brown will be hosting this surgery in the heart of Kilmarnock – having been there in June 2019 and August 2020.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am looking forward to being at The Cross on Friday for the pop-up surgery. With a lot of restrictions now being eased, I am delighted to get back out in the constituency, be visible and having face to face interactions. I have still been having regular virtual surgeries – all through the pandemic – but it is far better to be able to engage with constituents in person.

“I have had a couple of pop-up surgeries so far this year, most recently a supermarket surgery at Asda at the end of April, as we try and move forward post covid restrictions. The past few weeks have been great with all the gala days in and around the constituency and being able to speak with constituents face to face.

“The surgery at Kilmarnock Cross is turning into an annual tradition with me being there the last two summers! It’s a great location right in the middle of the town with plenty of people and therefore lots of visibility.

“It is important to show constituents I am available and approachable if they wish to discuss anything. Additionally, my office is now open for constituents to pop in on an appointment basis. In the coming weeks, I hope to have face-to-face office-based surgeries but the option for virtual appointments will still be made available for those who wish. It is important to make my constituents feel comfortable but also for the flexibility factor as it is not always feasible for people to take time out of their day to attend an appointment when there is the option to do this over the phone or Microsoft Teams/ Zoom.

“If you can’t manage along to The Cross but need assistance with any matter dealt with at Westminster, such as; social security, employment or immigration issues, please contact my office and I will do all I can to help.”

Indyref 2 - 29/6/22

 Alan Brown MP welcomes indyref in 2023

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has echoed the statement made by the First Minister who has promised a referendum on Scottish independence on 19th October 2023.

It will be almost 10 years since the last vote and Mr Brown feels now is the time for the people of Scotland to have a say on their future.

Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“The mandate for a second referendum is clear. Opposition parties can spin it whatever way they like but at the end of the day there has been a pro-indy majority at Holyrood for the last three parliaments and so much has changed since 2014.

“The Tories have not won an election in Scotland for nearly 70 years, they have no right to tell us what we can and cannot do. Labour are once again conveying their “Tory Lite” ideology by going through with Brexit and the Lib Dems, who fought for the “People’s Vote” to reverse Brexit but do not offer the same alternative to the people of Scotland?

“Ideally, a referendum will be held with Westminster’s co-operation. Of course they continue to ignore the wishes of voters in Scotland so I welcome the fact that the First Minister is doing all she can to make this happen lawfully, including a referral to the courts.

“This Tory Government is failing in almost every department. They are pitiful in their efforts to fight the cost of living crisis, they were partying in Downing Street whilst we obeyed the restrictions and their austerity cuts have shown nothing but contempt for the most vulnerable in our society. They are now breaking International Law by unilaterally changing the Northern Ireland Protocol.

“We deserve better and this referendum will give Scotland a chance to stand on its own two feet and thrive as an independent nation.”

Mr Brown has also supported Ms Sturgeon’s vow that the next Westminster General Election will be a de facto indyref if Westminster decided to block Scotland’s right to vote.

“I have no qualms about standing on the single issue of independence at the next General Election,” he added.

“If the UK Government wants to stand in the way of democracy, we have no other option but to make the next General Election a statement on independence.”

Violence Against Women - 8/6/22


On Wednesday 8 June the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun joined 56 MPs and peers at a Parliamentary Photocall to call on the Government to make the Istanbul Convention on violence against women law without exceptions. The Convention is a gold standard legal framework to tackle violence against women and girls, and a lifeline to survivors. 

On 17 May 2022, the Government announced they plan to ratify the Convention. This comes ten years after the UK signed the Convention on 8 June 2012 and many years of campaigning. However, the Government plans to ‘opt-out' of key parts of the Convention that provide life-saving support and protection, particularly for migrant women. This reinforces the power of the perpetrators and increases the risk faced by migrant survivors.

More than 57 MPs and peers urged the Government to ratify the Istanbul Convention and opt-in to providing support for migrant women. The event was run by IC Change and supporting organisations, including the Women’s Institute, Southall Black Sisters, End Violence Against Women Coalition the Latin American Service for Women’s Rights (LAWRS), Safety4Sisters, Solace Women’s Aid and Rape Crisis. 

Violence against women and girls is devastatingly high across the UK. Over the last decade, over 1220 women were killed by men - and this is only the tip of the iceberg. The number of police-recorded domestic abuse-related crimes in England and Wales rose by 6% in the year ending March 2021, to 845,734. ONS crime figures for the 12 months ending in September 2021 show that sexual offences recorded by the police were the highest on record, at 170,973 offences. 

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

“I am happy to convey my support for the calls to ratify the Istanbul Convention - violence against women must stop. Boris Johnson and the UK Government have to take urgent action and safeguard those who need protection.

“I want to help end violence towards women and girls in the UK. The statistics and stories show that we still have a long way to go and we need action to change this. 

“The Government’s plans to ratify the Convention are a step towards a safer world for all women and girls, but today I join IC Change and leading organisations from across the women’s sector in calling on Government to protect all women, including migrant women, when they ratify.”

Energy Bills - 7/6/22


Households in East Ayrshire are paying on average £1635 per year, making it the 118th most expensive place in the UK for energy bills.

Out of 408 local authorities in the UK, East Ayrshire came out as 118th most expensive.

According to data from, households in Kilmarnock and Loudoun are already paying 21.9% more than the price cap that is set to be introduced in October this year.

The data also shows that people across Scotland are paying more on their bills than in England and Wales.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

"People across Scotland, including in my constituency are paying the price for sky-high energy bills, despite Scotland having an abundance of resources in oil and gas and renewables.

"Under Westminster control, the vast revenue from Scotland's oil and gas industry has been squandered by UK governments for decades and now it is consumers in Kilmarnock and Loudoun who are getting hammered with higher average energy bills, with bills here being the 118th most expensive in the UK.

"This is also a result of the outrageous and expensive transmission charges that are charged in Scotland for companies to access the national grid here.

"The measures announced by the Chancellor last month – welcome though they were - will barely scratch the surface of the rocketing energy bills crippling households now and in the winter months to come. I raised this in the House at the time.

"High fuel bills in East Ayrshire and across Scotland lie squarely at the door of the Westminster government and show why Scotland needs the full range of powers that will come with independence."

War Graves Week 2022 (21st - 28th May) - 19/5/22

Alan Brown MP asks constituents to embrace War Graves Week

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun is calling on constituents to come together and discover the World War heritage on their doorstep by embracing War Graves Week, 21 May to 28 May – an initiative from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC).

War Graves Week will encourage local residents to learn about the stories of those commemorated by the CWGC in their constituency and the skills, dedication and expertise of those CWGC staff who work to keep their memory alive.

Constituents keen to learn more about the remarkable stories of the men and women of the Commonwealth forces that died in the First and Second World Wars who are buried in their community can visit and visit the cemeteries in person. War Graves Week provides a unique chance for the people of the constituency to reconnect with their local history.

At, Kilmarnock and Loudoun residents can learn about the Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times project – the focus of this year’s War Graves Week. Alongside the front-line armed forces, the CWGC will be celebrating the value those who served during the World Wars brought to key sectors such as healthcare, logistics, infrastructure and communications, and the parallels with today’s global Britain which they helped to create.

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

“I’d encourage all my constituents to embrace War Graves Week. It’s a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with our local history and learn about the courageous ordinary people from our constituency who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live the way we do today.

“Behind every name on a war grave or memorial in Kilmarnock and Loudoun is a human story waiting to be discovered and War Graves Week is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

“This is a fantastic campaign that gives us a chance to reflect on those who gave everything. It is imperative we always remember those who fought and gave everything for our freedom. If you can, please get involved.”

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) honours and cares for the men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First and Second World Wars, ensuring they will never be forgotten. Funded by six Member Governments, CWGC’s work began with building, and now maintaining, cemeteries at 23,000 locations all over the world.

Hydro Powered Countries Paying Less to Heat Their Homes - 19/5/22


Countries that are powered by clean, renewable energy sources are paying far less to heat their homes, according to a new report.

Analysis conducted by the Australian Energy Council found that countries like Canada and Norway – who are dominated by hydroelectrical plants - have the lowest household electricity prices in the OECD.

To date, Canada obtains most of its electricity from hydro (60%), while Norway generates almost all (93%) of its needs from hydroelectricity plants.

The report comes as the UK’s Energy Minister, Kwasi Kwarteng, conceded that the government’s nuclear plan could increase household energy bills in the near future.

The SNP has called on the UK government to use the inflated oil and gas prices to invest in a Track 1 carbon capture site in the North East of Scotland, and to match the Scottish Government’s £500 million Just Transition investment.

Commenting, the SNP’s Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change Alan Brown MP said:

“The SNP has long held the view that the future of Scotland’s energy must come from clean, renewable sources.

“Sadly though, the outdated Westminster system that Scotland is currently chained too continues to take a different stance on the issue – investing in nuclear energy rather than things like wind which is the cheapest form of power.

“This latest analysis from the Australian Energy Council shows that those who live in countries dominated by hydroelectrical plants are paying far less in heating costs, thus saving crucial income during the cost of living crisis.

“We know that the Treasury are reaping the rewards of inflated oil and gas prices, with £13.6 billion of additional income generated from Scotland’s resources, and a further £6 billion earned from the Emissions Trading Scheme.

“Therefore it is crucial that this money is reinvested into the Scottish Cluster if we are to meet our emissions reduction milestones, and for a just transition to net zero – not just for Scotland, but across the UK.

“Not only that, the UK government must also progress pumped hydro which can be built at a fraction of the cost. SSE have all the permissions in place and are ready to build a new pumped storage hydro scheme at Corie Glas in the Highlands. All that is required is an agreement on a minimum price of electricity.

“It is high time the UK government finally got their act together and resolved all of these issues. There can be no more delays.”

Asda Supermarket Surgery - 29/4/22

This week Alan Brown MP is hosting a special pop-up surgery at Asda in Kilmarnock.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun will be at the supermarket on Friday from 11am – 12pm. Constituents will be able to approach the MP after their weekly shop and speak to him about potential casework or even just for a friendly chat.

With most restrictions now being lifted, Mr Brown is excited to get back out and about in the constituency.

Commenting, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“I am looking forward to being at Asda on Friday for the pop-up surgery. With a lot of restrictions now being eased, I am delighted to get back out in the constituency, be visible and having face to face interactions. I have still been having regular virtual surgeries – all through the pandemic – but it is far better to be able to engage with constituents in person.

“This will be my first supermarket surgery since before the pandemic as I look forward to making this a regular event with restrictions now being eased. Asda has been great to deal with and are giving us a good spot behind the checkouts so that shoppers can approach us on their way out after getting their shopping for the week!

“We have lettered some households near the venue to let constituents know we will be there if they want to raise anything with me. If anyone has an issue they would like to raise or, if you would just like to have a chat then please come along.

“If you can’t manage along to the surgery but need assistance with any matter dealt with at Westminster, such as; social security, employment or immigration issues, please contact my office and I will do all I can to help.”

Spring Statement - 21/4/22

Alan Brown MP slams Chancellor over budget.

The representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has branded Rishi Sunak a ‘conman’ after his spring statement last week.

The Chancellor announced a rise in national insurance but promised to reduce income tax along with a 5p cut to fuel.

But Mr Brown feels the cut to fuel is a ‘con’ given the money generated through the national insurance hike.

He also slammed the UK Government on failing to tackle the cost of living crisis.

 Commenting, the MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun said:

“The Chancellor’s spring statement delivered nothing to address the largest fall in living standards since the 1950s.

“Instead of taking urgent action to reduce energy bills and protect the most vulnerable in our society, the Tory Government have done nothing to combat the cost of living crisis - and proved, yet again, that they are completely out of touch.

“In regards to the price of fuel, specifically, the 5p cut in fuel is nothing short of a con. Petrol is currently 40p more expensive than it was in March 2021, so the increase in VAT the Treasury receive more than pays for the 5p temporary cut. Actually, they have failed to put a dent in the current cost of living crisis and to boast about a “household fund” in England where people can apply for hardship money is Dickensian in thought process.

“On VAT this year with energy bills doubling he will receive well over £1bn from billpayers; I pointed out at parliament in November they predicted they will get £6bn extra in oil and gas revenues over the parliament – I am sure this is now an underestimate. Overall VAT income this financial year was £21bn more than predicted. It is a disgrace and he is a conman.

“They are building up a warchest for an election and future tax cuts while people are struggling in the here and now. It is so frustrating and I intend to keep reminding them of the additional money they should be using to support people.”

Mr Brown believes the introduction of a fuel duty regulator will provide more efficiency and a better long-term strategy.

He added:

“As opposed to these rash one-off decisions in and around Budget season, a regulator would provide a far better balance when costs skyrocket and equally when they reduce significantly when we have to consider our move away from fossil fuels.

“For some time, I have highlighted high oil prices; high fuel prices and high energy costs have meant that the UK Treasury has had an unexpected windfall from the extra levies, duties and VAT returns. Therefore, the least the Chancellor should do is use this money to offset the cost of living crisis.

"The Chancellor has said he can't do anything about poverty but of course he can. It is the choices he is making. Countries all over Europe are taking action to limit the energy price increases and once again the UK is the outlier.“

Cumnock Chronicle Media Request - 21/4/22

My comments in relation to a media request from the Cumnock Chronicle regarding MPs' contribution to the chamber:

From the offset, I’d like to point out that the reason my voting participation is below the Westminster average is that, as with all SNP MPs, we do not vote on matters which do not concern Scotland. Given so much is devolved to the Scottish Parliament, we do not vote on issues that only get implemented in England and Wales. Indeed, until recently we were prohibited from voting in such matters under the “English Votes for English Law” changes to voting standing orders. Now we can do so again, we would only do so in exceptional circumstances such as saving the English NHS from privatisation. However, in short, we tend to only vote on reserved matters that affect Scotland, given Holyrood has the power to make decisions on education, health and justice.

Prior to the 2019 General Election, I had the highest speaking stats out of all Scottish MPs and this is an accolade I hold with great pride. I know a lot of people have a preconceived idea of MPs but I certainly give 100% for my constituents and a lot of my spoken contributions are constituent cases.

This is certainly personified in Business Questions on a Thursday. This is where I tend to bring up the bulk of constituent cases and this has even been recognised in the opposition benches, as the previous Leader of the House (Jacob Rees-Mogg) would often pay tribute to the fact I am raising issues on behalf of my constituents in his answer. I also use written questions to obtain information for constituents and challenge the Government both in my spokespersons' roles and in general. I never submit a question just to increase my statistics which I know to be well above average anyway.

Some aspects of asking questions, such as oral questions depend on your luck in the ballots, although you can bob to be taken as a supplementary question, hoping the Speaker will call you. During the hybrid working, bobbing was not allowed and the ballots were also much harder to win because some MPs entered more often because they could ask the question from the comfort of their own homes!

I do not like to make promises in my job, but I can assure you I will continue to work as hard as I can and carry out the job I was elected to do: represent all constituents in Kilmarnock and Loudoun.


MP Visit to Norway - 7/3/22

Alan Brown MP spent the February Recess at a new military base in Norway.

As part of the Armed Forces Personnel Scheme, they visited a new base for more than 500 personnel of the Royal Marine Commandos.

Along with other cross-party MPs, the representative for Kilmarnock and Loudoun was taught survival skills by the Marines in arctic conditions. Some of these included making fire from scratch, gutting and cooking fish and sleeping in a snowhole!

Commenting, Mr Brown said:

“We visited the new base for some of the regiments and squadrons of three Commando Brigade Royal Marines. It was fascinating seeing the way they operate and the harsh conditions they are training to survive in. They are training to operate as guerrilla warriors in the case of say, Russia, invading Norway - or elsewhere.

“They are based within the Arctic Circle, and I even had the “pleasure” of sleeping in a snowhole for a night which was an experience. We were shown survival skills and it is incredible the stamina these guys have and that they train to live in the Arctic conditions for weeks.

“We can only hope that they are not required to be deployed properly, however with the current situation in Ukraine then some being deployed elsewhere is a real possibility. The guerrilla tactics they are experts in is what many of the Ukrainians will be undertaking right now.

The MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun has regularly questioned the Government’s decision to cut funding for our Armed Forces and he admitted the experience in Skjold Camp, Overbygd Norway highlighted this:

“Interestingly, when we go on these trips, there are always concerns raised in general about cuts in overall numbers of the armed services and the fact that they need more spent and better procurement on equipment. These are all aspects of the UK Government pumping their money into the Trident Successor programme rather than spending it on personnel which is a self-defeating strategy.”

Further comments about the trip, Mr Brown added:

“Logistics and planning are critical to what they do. The helicopter trip was fun, but the wider point is what they can do to drop off or rescue marines in the deep snow which requires specialist flying skills. We got to ride on speedboats but these are used for raiding purposes and the guys have to be tough to go on long journeys in the biting cold. But even more important is their resilience and adaptability. They have their own set of mechanics, repairing vehicles and keeping them going even though the MOD should be buying newer kits. We are seeing what is happening in Ukraine, too much of the Russian kit which hasn’t been looked after breaking down and stalling their attacks. However, the Commandos certainly have the know-how and dedication to keep their fleet moving.

“The brand new base and barracks were completely built by the Norwegian Government and the MOD has leased it for ten years. In effect a kind of PFI which shows the disparity in the spending power that Norway has compared to the UK! It is a great set up and the guys I spoke to were happy to be there and enjoying the challenges.

“The Marines do a basic three-week arctic training programme which includes jumping in an ice hole with full loaded Bergen rucksack - never in a month of Sundays for me! On the whole, it was a very enjoyable trip, very informative and also sobering to think of the security considerations in the current climate.”

BHF Turns 60 - 7/3/22


Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, pledged to work with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to help make ‘science fiction a reality’ during a special parliamentary reception.

The event, held on Wednesday 2nd March, celebrated the BHF’s 60th birthday and the pioneering research it has funded.

Alan Brown heard about the BHF’s life saving research over the last six decades, and met with some of the BHF-funded researchers who have made these advances possible.

Since the BHF launched in 1961, the number of people dying from heart and circulatory diseases in the UK each year has halved.

BHF-funded research also contributed to the first UK heart transplant, and the charity was behind discoveries that revealed the cause of a heart attack - helping to transform treatments ever since. 

The BHF’s research has also identified many of the genes responsible for conditions that cause sudden heart attacks and cardiac arrests, meaning people can be identified before these deadly events strike.

Today, the BHF is the UK’s biggest non-commercial funder of research into heart and circulatory diseases. However, despite six decades of progress, there is still more to do to improve the lives of the 7.6 million people in the UK who are living with these conditions.

The leading charity is now urging more people to donate to the BHF so that it can help turn more mind-blowing ideas from the realms of science fiction into life saving treatments and potential cures.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, said:

“I was delighted to attend the BHF’s parliamentary reception and hear more about the huge advances in research that the charity has made possible over the last 60 years.

“Today, heart and circulatory diseases are one of the biggest killers in the UK, so it is important that the BHF continues to receive support to help fund the scientific breakthroughs of the future. I look forward to working with the BHF to help highlight the crucial part it plays in the UK’s research and development landscape and how the work it funds benefits my constituents.”

The event was hosted by Elliot Colburn, the Member of Parliament for Carshalton and Wallington.

Elliot Colburn MP said: “The BHF’s research has been pivotal in helping to advance treatments for the millions of people living with heart and circulatory conditions in the UK.

“It was inspiring to hear from the BHF’s researchers and to also find out more about how their work is directly benefiting patients.”

Dr Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation (BHF), said: “It was great to speak with Alan Brown to not only recognise the improvements made for people living with heart and circulatory conditions across the UK, but to also highlight the progress we urgently need for those living in their constituency.

“Beating heart and circulatory diseases is still one of the world’s biggest challenges and, despite huge steps forward over the last 60 years, the BHF’s research has never been more needed.

“We want to thank all MPs and peers who attended our parliamentary reception and signed our pledge to help make science fiction a reality. We look forward to working with them in the future.”

Bereavement Leave and Pay - 7/3/22

Alan Brown MP backs the extension of bereavement leave and pay

MPs and Lords are supporting the extension of bereavement leave and pay to employees experiencing a close family bereavement

Alan Brown MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun attended a Parliamentary event on 2 March in support of extending bereavement leave and pay to employees experiencing a close family bereavement.

The event was hosted by the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, Patricia Gibson MP, Lucy Herd (The Grief Educator and mother of Jack, after whom Jack’s Law is named), and Lord Knight of Weymouth.

Jack’s Law was introduced in Great Britain in April 2020 and focuses on the right to parental bereavement leave and pay. It applies to employed parents who lose a child under the age of 18 or suffer a stillbirth (from 24 weeks of pregnancy), irrespective of how long they have been with their employer.

Parents with at least 26 weeks’ continuous service with their employer and weekly average earnings over the lower earnings limit are also entitled to Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay.

 The CIPD and Lucy Herd have been campaigning to change the law to ensure that employees who experience the loss of a close family member receive bereavement leave and pay*.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many employees will have been affected by losing a loved one and some may have been unable to take appropriate leave from work to grieve or to make suitable arrangements.

Ms Gibson brought a Ten Minute Rule Bill to Parliament, Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill, which introduced paid bereavement leave. The Second Reading is due on 18 March 2022. 

The CIPD and Ms Gibson invited MPs and Lords to the drop-in session to pledge their support to their campaign and Ms Gibson’s Bill to extend bereavement leave to employees.

Commenting, Alan Brown MP said:

“I fully support extending paid bereavement leave to employees and was pleased to attend this important event. When someone suffers a bereavement it can have a huge impact on their mental health and wellbeing and as such they might not be able to perform as usual at work. Access to paid bereavement leave can support an employee by giving them time away from work to grieve and assist with any practical matters as necessary.”

The CIPD’s latest research found that 75% supported an extension of Jack’s Law so that more employees experiencing a close family bereavement will be able to take leave and be paid for it.

Claire McCartney, Senior Resourcing and Inclusion Adviser at the CIPD comments: “Employees that have experienced a close family bereavement will need time to come to terms with what has happened and will be highly unlikely to be able to perform well at work if they are forced to return too quickly. While many organisations provide paid bereavement leave to support employees at one of the most difficult times of their lives, this is far from universal and extending the statutory provision is likely to give employees time and space to grieve rather than worrying about paying their bills and financial worries.”

Lucy Herd, The Grief Educator and mother of Jack said: “When I started this campaign nearly 11 years ago, I had always hoped legislation would be created for everyone to be able to take time off should they need to, in the event of a family death. Time is precious and we should not have to worry about taking time off from work because our whole world has altered due to grief. Therefore, we are working towards ensuring Jacks Law is amended, to better protect future families from being told they can’t take ‘time’.”